the art of fighting

the true art of fighting or handing conflict with others starts with the fight we have with ourself , we are bound to err during this lifetime , and here we learn to become more intimate with our true self, in handling our difficulties this is made possible , but it’s a process that takes time , and sometimes we are not willing or able to achieve this inner peace while still alive in this world, only in aftermath , whatever the process is like, we do know internally that wrong and bad is a great distaste even when we apprehend them as wrong , what we are trying to do is proper alignment here , there’s order of things causes and effects , we see the full purview to make amends of objrdirves, everything is as we left it a a we passed thru it when we look to our past or a given past objective or even the timeline thru which our relationship with ourself improves, we may be at odds with ourself due to our mistakes or our conflict within our higher self and our small human identities, we are almost like two people in one , roommates who share the same space, and so imagine it like this , we fight and yell and scream , pretty much in truth, to ourself, and then the same human entailings ensue, someone shuts the door on ur face or isolates themselves u don’t talk to each other for a while, much everything , the inner housekeeper is left undone , everything slowly piles up, many things are in disarray, there is complete disharmony that slowly builds from it? resentment , dread, laziness follow bc too much thinking can cause fatigue in someone and what happens when ur at odds with urself, same with quarrels with people , exhausting and goes pretty much nowhere. we wish to escape from our minds , we may not not hive this as a flight from our true self , but , if we made peace internally, then our roommate is actually very resourceful, it tells us of higher types of information, stuff that attributes to ur soul, divine stuff, that’s ur higher self , it cares about this worldly ordeal but it knows ur so much more, that’s why it’s called small human self and we can measure this by our experience it’s actually not small occurrence but that’s how vast ur higher self is compared to it

oh things can get real bad, in such natures of conflict, but u may wonder is there life after fight ? i’m gonna say yes, if u we’re ever with a dispute with someone in ur life before , and miraculously u both recovered ur friendship, then that’s a representative of that level of truth, imagine it like this , ie now two people who share the same house who maybe a bit exhausted , but ur both at peace bc ur aligned , ur values are aligned , which means that when u finally exhaust urself he surrender to ur true nature already, but with the exception of the clean up, so that’s why we say hmmm is there truly a recovery from such ordeals ? who’s gonna take responsibility for the clean up, which part belongs to whom, does it matter ? in which causes would it matter ? bc we know our self when we discover system we want to abuse it short cut it and hack it , so here we can easily do more harm than our counterpart and then share the burden fifty fifty , so we know we are capable of becoming “efficient “ but in the wrong way, and well it’s only wrong bc it causes us side effects so while we are learning to train ourself about this , we can be kind to ourself , this form the alliances we need with our higher self since it wants the best for us in the first place and the source of the dispute comes from that, call it willful ignorance , or foolishness , sometimes we have to discover objrdirves in a difficult way , not bc it’s a strong fault in us , but based on by what’s also environmentally available , and when we say things like alignment doesn’t mean u have to figure out everything f for mutual peace to happen, but it has to have firm grounds and a good start, so stop fighting usually heralds that it’s fifty percent of the work right there, maybe more, it’s true, it’s hard to do something, we may feel compelled to keep going , almost as if we are suddenly on a worlds stage but about our own life and where everything is rather dramatic , we may feel very resonant to some of the word choices we may use , and we may become conscious of this while in the act to self determine whether if the thought comes form us or if we are running on automatic response , bc that’s what defines being compelled, it is a inner urge , or smth that suddenly hooks at u, and u may feel impulsive at this stage , bc we feel momentum is always good thing , but not always so, it’s ok to slow down and take a look around check urself and check ur surroundings or have prior or grounding in between heightened lines of thought, surely there is a inner flow but we must be cautious if we accept that the environment has done flaws and there are signs that it’s not running as efficiently, and we may also learn from our inner conflict a vital lesson to be cautious , to both be a student and teacher in the course of our life

u would be two experienced and very exhausted roommates sharing one house , u would get started to clean up ur indwellings, whatever errors u made start o reflect back at u, if ur in denial u may start smth up again like project that to ur other , and then open old wounds , bud don’t be worried if u do this a few times , and u may notice he becoming present each time and s having more self control on the way ur handling urself, and at this stage however , we are all so very different, bc some of us have different circumstances to overcome , that is on what we have in terms of our indwelling, some of this is what we attribute as perks n karma or what the soul is capable of or souls own capacity, which is why it differs from person to person, their relationship with their true self, all of which are concordant like stars in the sky , but we usually condemn the person and not the occurrence and this comes from our relationship with ourself, and here we may err and treat ourself like a spoiled child, not adhere to self discipline bc h can make a mess and say sorry don’t clean up or know that if u cut back on ur skill someone else will have to do more and u will evidently do much less if ur share and bc this feels good u can err again bc u can afford to lose tht much each time while not notice what actually piles up that’s ur blind spot, and what likes depends from person to person as well, the key thing to consider is what it complements in the external circumstances concerning others bc there’s a reciprocity between these relationships , such as the one we have with ourself and each other and the things that come in to play in the world at large, now we notice that the manmade systems do not accord with the natural system they don’t work with the celestial reasonings , they don’t adhere to cosmos if they do they do so secularly away from world public while giving u a watered down version of it in practice which is why we are in hot water collectively rn

and imagine that, we are at odds with ourself and each other and nothing going well, while we pretend all is alright now u see how bizarre an upkeep that is, we aren’t fooling anyone , we are just being too hard on our self it is almost too self defeatist it’s being too hard on oneself that u go past behind resin for discipline and yolo the rest of ur life recklessly it’s all to dream states of driving out of control, it’s one of the common dreams it means ur life is not in ur own hands , and ur trying to control the wheel or drive straight so u don’t drive into oncoming traffic it’s very hard to maintain , so that’s it, that’s what we wish to confront globally, bc we think we can’t make uk with people of conflict we may as well finish it, kill them, dearly evidences and deny deny deny vehemently no matter how bizzare things are getting , let it get even more bizarre who cares totally out of control, ofc we become more and more driven by destruction bc in truth we wanna get rid of the offending picture , and start anew ah so we want new beginnings , we seek a second chance thus thats why the universe hasn’t annihilated us yet bc despite our mass collective suicidal attempts to hurt and harm ourself /each other we do have that element of good, bc we want to be good and do good but need that second chance , our errors is so convincing it makes us embarrass and this shame turns to anger , we feel inadequate from it , we don’t know how best to handle it and systems don’t support these as well, we commodify beings instead , u make errors and depending on ur environment is the equivalence of ur punishment and we know how unfair and unequal and even off beat our general approach to human suffering by todays stands is and its all for the system maintenue, people are moved like cattle from place to place for jobs , bc we also recognize the limits on these objrdirves , but instead of change those objectives evolve them expand on their consciousness , we cut people down instead to fit them into material grounds , compartmentalizing people comes from o ur inner compartment using we don’t look to our mistakes and so we say as long as we don’t know or don’t acknowledge them then they must not grow be cultivated in terms of karma or that it didn’t happen, if we ignore it it may go away, that’s a form of compartmentalizing and why this differs from person to person is bc of the capacity of some who are running the systems, who when they project their inner inconsistencies make greater impact bc they have great power of influence of affecting people by bigger numbers , otherwise it’s the same practice and same concept, that which we have with our true self,

the final scene of our relationship with ourself, after the exhaustion passes away and we clean up our shard lot, we have now gained the experience of better dialect with our self which is quite remarkable it impacts the way we make decisions and how we handle our external conflict with exchange other , allowing us to gain more wisdom and work with our shared lot of greater concern behind just our self , otherwise we would be cutting off our supply to leave more and only work to benefit ourself, which doesn’t work so well in this whole since we all share a role that’s why we have ignorances borne out of not being afforded the proper knowledge that is equal for all, for example part of timeline shift is when woke are afforded small amours of money to live or survies which is the same amount if money that people decades ago made but the short supply of current lifestyle funds so not apply or relate with how much life costs for all , this is called forcing some people to live in the past, like literally if systems have a social code then they can put u in position where u don’t wish to be or work so hard to maintain it, which is scary, to add to that, this forcing people to live in their past comes from excess critical of their wrongdoings while u refuse to look at urs , so ur also projecting ur own subjective reality in terms of ur relationship with urself on top of the hierarchical systems that’s already existent and needs improvements in the first place bd they do not adhere to our naturalist and common humanity, surely we all have roles to play, but only we make the distinctions for example between first class and second class in airplanes even though its literally one object in the air, ofc to determine the course of solving these issues will have to take every person effort to first of all learn the true art of fight , which starts with ourself, then based on by our humble findings, utilise these with each other, on the issues and situation of the last in realest from small to large occurrences which especially includes system system functioners and the relationship between people in power and people who are at the receiving end of objrdirves bc if u notice the way we ratio clean up duties is also pretty out of balance which is also not only unfair it snot the right way to do things , surely we can say? who are u to determine that, i don’t determine hat is the right way in terms of how we think about determination the simple art of determination here should be prioritized according to self growth or self betterment , via learning and being and doing everything right , since we all have some mistake in our past our motivation can simply be to right our own wrongs while still alive so that we do not carry those burdens into what’s next , we can’t achieve this by lying to ourself, or denying or rejecting the peace that we truly deserve internally so that we become more of it in our waking daily lives


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