we can’t predict the future

only set a trajectory, or make assumptions or guesses. perhaps educated, one that delves into patterns, we think we can dictate the future, there is truth in that our behaviour does, but we don’t have control over our behaviour when we priorisé set end game, bc then we get locked into a set mind, one that will generate unpleasant conductions for oneself, firstly ur too attacked to what others do, its too much attention and energy spent on other peoples business, if they require such connections these happen natural in societies but when we are dead set on stationary systems, we may not notice the plight is already evident there and we already know our plight , we can tell that systems are stupid there’s lots of dumb things done in the name of money , people may realize how plastic that makes the reality, or to assume we can put a price tag on it , we would only kidding ourselves and we do have a sense of humour about that except that we hardly laugh at negative consequences, we know what it means to be good people we meant to be it but then we become like angry gods, in away we can find all and everything that’s outside also inside ourselves maybe as form of projection, or things of gathered , harvested information , just ready to be tapped into but we give into looks of things in our minds and get caught in entails of a process that requires us to not be so attached to them this is akin to absolute certain toy where there needs to be movement , or flow we do this if u notice by how we think we can predict the future , we really fool ourselves into believing on certain occasions and it usually involves others we think they are gonna suffer bc they did this or that, and we secretly enjoy this proves bc in there life is uncertain and we kind of wanna get a feel of where we are universally but we do it wrong we look at plight of others misapprehension it and assume since we are slightly better than they are we must be doing alright and we should keep an eye on thee progress , of deterioration or whatever , and see if we can learn from it in some self beneficial way, ironically this is our way of thinking human beings much like animals possess the same quality of cycle of life in human way where we have to let nature handle some of its business but we always forget the material aspect of it and how it can be fraudulent at times , we dont think of it the same for everyone only for ourself , and part of that is absolute certainty about the way things are whether if they are essential the way they are or need revising, and this secrecy is our inner occult in a way, where we we trying to predict for our self benefit so in a way we are still quite primal, a very self contradictory way, this equal of power that takes place internally can get us all kinds of confused externally, i think that’s why u compensate for trying to predict reality or seize control of the means of how interactions work at all , the truth in that is we can be we’re in about our experiences but that’s for our ground work, bc for u who are the experienced have that vital information , that does the trick but without such complement to vitality, all others are mere simulation we get feelings of heightened senses from external objrdirves all the time for instance

and we know the material plight we succinctly weaponize it against each other for in some cases that’s how we would win, we know the opponent is a strong one , the best way to wear them out and win over them is when they are down, bc life happens , it’s not the dips that happen that’s as essential as how we quickly recover from it, surely in some extreme cases deaths happen other issues can be measured by their true depth, not assumption, but in this case, we have to really be honest , bc we lie to ourself about our current reality and then assume we can fill the gap with assumption about future of what u want it to be or what u think is special insight, although we can set the same trajectory on ourselves , we can say to ourselves in our truth about our souls that we do have some type of trajectory that gets set at deep soul level regardless to how it may seem on this planet by human standards if it , we are just trying to cosmically and collectively get a feel of it we want to tap into it thru ourselves not by scapegoating others or using them as stepping stones, the future only gets clear when we are , and if we are too attached to illusions we are gonna mistake every nook and cranny for the whole thing , and get ourselves stuck on the path of enlightenment, we staionize fixed personalities upon them , we can’t fathom imagine they have changed , this is one thing if our entanglement is honest one it’s nowhere even it’s dishonest or one sided ur fixated on them somehow they rub u the wrong way u just feel perplexed at their mere presence, then those moments happen and we are left to our own devices we can’t help ourself we need others we lu n external conditions circumstances our experiences aren’t that isolated no matter how much we try or it’s tried upon us there’s connective unity, one that flows thru us , as we are permeable , eventually we go absolve many data , that we naturally can tap into im during states of self consciousness, often when an unpleasant feeling comes up we try to deter ourself from it or try to decipher it go back to our past some where or think or dwell upon our sad childhood , not always though do we have to keep revising and redressing old wounds , but it happens and we are mechanical in that , not for the past it seems but anything that brings relief we attach excessively to it , we are not addict but we are separate in self relief for this world does put a lot of pain upon us all in some measure, this is where our work is ,

what we don’t wanna do is mistake sert stationary conditions for moving objrdirves and coca versa which happens , and we are too diluted to tell which area reflects which internal conflict , that which we are drawn to , which perturbs us in some peculiar way, we want to do something and only then do we find some self security , we think by harming them we are weaning the enemy, we think we are attached bc it’s their fault not by our inner account something that causes us attachment but we don’t stop to search for its meaning, we make assumptions bc we don’t think we could be wrong , and u can see it translates as wrong but it’s just an ignorant inner apprehension of smth, other than what it is , it causes us side effect and we know this all but we quick bypass it and focus on our childhood but the whole passage is as one, so with the last about deciphering the future by assuming u can predict it, bc on one side we try to hurt harm es do other or get happy when they are having their momentary dips in life , in the other hand we want a future that we think we can separate ourself from the plight of others whose pain we have caused, whose life has been strongly displaced because of it, those who survived, a huge contradiction like that can’t get us far, bc it will keep us in collective limbo until we are ripe enough, until nature slowly decays us all, bc time is not infinite resource here on this system, that’s our continuum, a thing inside that’s beyond human that which was down here before here and will go so where after here , u r personal trajectory can be apprehended in a subjective way and u may feel like this gives u special insight into others life but not an every case in every ways and based on by our inner recognized intentions and how we utilise wisdom for careful consciousness and be sensitive to not give into spiritual materialism , here in this earth even though our sorority system is bigger than our human factors, it’s the utility of our spiritus for the benefit of everybody that sets that human trajectory and there’s a special relationship between what happens here collectively and what happens out there in space, and at times thinking big all the time can be exhausting bc the minute details of our lives need our attention, we do both in fact they are interlinked that’s the teaching , everything takes us to that inner security and perhaps lack thereof , we are all too timid and there are right reasons for it and for some other excess foolish and even u can say, propelled by paranoia, the nature of paranoia is of guilty conscience whereas real careful concern is of smth else it’s that maybe ur infuriation is giving u red flags some sign a for attention to specific smth but we say everything is guilty conscience where’s we don’t look to anyones concern or given plight we brush over it, ah so it happened u need to get tough, we se how tough we can get and it scares us, we see it in other parts of the world such strong resistance , and the scary part is the conditions that befall them, we don’t want to be in that situation we will sell our souls for it, we don’t care we will assimilate ourself to cspitslims, we will do as we are told

during greet calamities its natural that a lot of uncertainty arises , u may get so desperate to do things that have never been done and if they were done they were done thru the dark ages not these times but there’s darkness in broad daylight among us lately, but truth in all there is a general sense of feel of collectively going backwards have u noticed ? an intense need to go back in time only suggests that we are naturally driven to do a collectively introspective search into ourselves , and bc some of it is being materialize it’s causing us to be absolutely certain about wrong objrdirves such as some people deserve to die others can suffer many others can be even as not human, that they are lower , like an animal whose rights are questionable and cannot be attested at the courts , these are products of dark ages , but we may get into some sense of delusion about reality that works in artificial way, bc it’s almost like all other odds are stacked against us with the exception of the soul, that’s all u have got , that’s one thing they haven’t figured out how to take from u while keeling u alive still, but that’s why there’s spiritual warfare at large they wanna breach into everything if u permeate u entirely, even ur thoughts are not urs, ur feelings , well feelings are thing that punishes us at the end , even when we die , the angry gods are all emotions all aspects of self , so beh f angry towards others hurts us in the end, and this anger , let’ us really delve into its true meaning and multi faceted reality and reasons which is where the real test is at bc each person interprets in their own way and still that produces emotions and at the end ur responsible for them and u will have to confront them at some point alive dead or wherever however u can’t cut off ur emotions even when ur extremely stoic about objrdirves thinking mere spiritual skill sets are gonna save u from ur spiritual plight, it’s true it’s very difficult to set a balance between our sole risk realm and our material reality, it encompasses everything not just our knowledge or our behaviour in predictable way the most outwardly or via statements but how we see the world reality all its components and decipher each other bc if u can’t understand another in basic sense it would be hard to tell what sort of common knowledge u might have about understanding reality for they are connected , and we realize how difficult it is to understand entirely of others , in some cases it’s almost impossible perhaps bc we are different but o ur lack of understand g does not diminish its truth, we may ask questions or seek it internally via meditation and thought practices but that’s about it, and that teaches us about reality , perhaps in the natural sense and how nature has imbed itself for manmade systems , and still we can also learn from it in the same way we learn from our inter relationships , but al of that does not exclude us from the full picture

if u participated in a problem and then said u didn’t and then predict a future that is free of it then yes u would find our very angry and wrong about ur set trajectory, what sort of feelings would arise from that interim? what sort of road signs ? disclosure that u could be wrong ? and how do we deny this in o ur self ? do we place meanings we recite lines about absolute reality or do we tie the line of our reality as we also delve into deep contemplation , the basis has to be natural u can tell when someone looks down on u for instance , by the way they see u and surely there are strong variations in the world but this intrinsic outlook on life is sheer frivolousness , an intrinsic type superiority complex is worse of all , bc it is the root of guilty conscience , that has grown in the wrong direction bc we must have been dead set in our ways if u notice the last is riddled with such, and we arrived here via adopting to some of these set conditions , which is normal for us to be a little bit confused or discombobulated about the whole event, for each individual soon realizes, bc u have to make excuse for ur pie behaviour that somehow u can make this into a thing where they deserved it and that ur not wrong , and that’s a very thing that starts the budding of guilty conscience bc deep inside u know ur wrong so first u lie to urself deceive urself deny ur own experience then u do this in and towards others u try to convince others that this is the right way to go about things, and here bc e must also know to an extend of our own self limitations , but again, it’s all about figuring out the correct impede ke understanding which arises after correct pairing has been made , it’s the act of correct pairing of objectives and their meanings , which is not a set destination , it keeps changing but we can get a feel of it in a street sense and assimilate it thru our feelings which are deciphers of danger or a thing that could be good na d healthy for u, material reality doesn’t always grant us this option so always we need to consider material displacement as a strong urgent occurring , among the world population and act on it in a inclusive way that maybe someone is not doing well bc of their situation often we misuse spirituality ( and in some cases religion or any other type of self help) for virtuous kindness but do not notice words don’t feed people , they are meant to inspire them and us and a way to communicate but we fail in all other areas only we tell or dictate each other what to do and bc we know them we are sure of it , that gets in our collective way of evolution that can beneficial quite beneficial for all


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