tendency of information over

that which may cause instability within a given situation can be observed. this tendency of knowledge can give upper hand in situations. if there’s a call forth over which concern , it’s due to a factor that could threaten an individual or a group of people. the wielding of knowledge tends to offer comfort. as the saying goes “ knowledge is power” though it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what sort of power this may bring. it’s true that to know smth is better than to not know it. despite the quality of content of how this may incite particular types of reactions via feelings. actions. however what does this mean towards false knowledge. for this may bring with it. more problems than solutions. the minds can play trick on such. the more the depth goes the further it brings with it. deeper uncertainties. these uncertainties work to make one feel more unstable. for the seeker needs for one’s remedy. of ken’s senses. nerves and the like. the seeking of such security is its one blessing and curse the same. but more so. perhaps. it’s in that which is conveyed. or rather. the utility. or reason behind it. that determines its fate. though because there’s greater instability in that which is revealed but not reconciled within the relative fields of knowledge. the assumptions. or the relative “knowledge” may fill the areas. according to the observers subjective nature. in most cases how we this isn’t standard. as the saying goes. many paths one destination the same maybe held for such misunderstandings. perhaps due to the nature of expediting resolve. but workout having all the components to achieve such.

in the art of determining whether if a particular type of information. knowledge and the like comes form one’s inner resources. these maybe referred to as personal filters. familial filters. social filters. regional filters and so on. bc one’s point of operations differ based on by their trajectories. coming together. all backgrounds. into one. all paths into one. this much is customary irregardless to where ones may reside. but more so. by what’s available within one’s personal victory to discover. hence the discern between knowledge and fruition into action. in most cases. the knowledge sits on a shelf. and collects dust. awaiting for its own wake up call or waiting to be summoned for complementary to change. or facilitate evolution of its own transcendence. where the relativity of its data base keeps up with the daily change. which may seem like not much from a singular purview. but over time this accumulation is what produces results. and in which. may become harder to navigate the more information collects dust. and not aptly utilized. then the rediscovery of the same or similar information tends to occur. bc the life maybe cyclic in this sense that concludes. a lesson does not truly go away until it’s learned. though here when the word learn is used. bc learning has a proponent of having been used as a means to discipline. may hold negative connection to a deeper sense of feeling which may invoke repulsion. or a sense of distaste. ones may feel inadequate. or partial in knowledge even though the whole life posed a challenge. the act of suffering for instance. does it really teach ? in some cases it does. but it’s given excess suffering tends to make the term numb gain new heights. in which case. if the feelings and other centres of one’s operation are weakened. might give illusion of having learned smth. that too is possible when. a point behind some type of normalcy where there’s healthy management is reached. in which case new knowledge is being accrued. one that is harder to detect if the older knowledge is ignored.

this knowledge deficiency can displace the thought process. causing the intense need of hunger for data. seeking for more data. consuming more data. and even more so. more data. in which case all the data can work to set the groundwork from where series of thought processes may be summoned. that is if the organism is relaxed . in their state of existence. in this relaxation however. the relativity of terminology when the myriad of meanings is worth to consider. for some. relaxation mean that there might have had been tense conditions that may cause one to feel inadequate in their own living virtuous or choices . this personal inadequacy may cause ones to feel criticized or judged. however in seeking information there are many paths that lead to one. that is to know one’s may wish to walk the path to knowledge however to determine best path is the real test. not the knowledge or the amount of knowledge incurred. it’s condoning to think perhaps knowledge is moot. it just takes up too much mental space. there has to be a way to simplify the information that maybe similar but without losing the individual data that might be key to note in their contextual basis. though. we may brush over topics brashly. each tiny detail offers with it greeter discourse for more detailings. though we may find here, a greater difficulty in attaining it. other than the abstract feel of which. these areas of where the particular data is missing. can be deeply felt. one issue with following the feelings however comes strictly from one’s inner filters. and often times. the subjective nature tends to mix with objective reality. a dance. so to say. but here. when the subjective nature takes smth that’s objedirve. then the natural balance is that smth objedirve may replace the nature of the subjective in areas where such compensation naturally occurs. this maybe seen as contradiction.

there’s a general tendency about. veering away from contradictions. or that their nature tends to cancel each other out. hence the limbo. or stagnation of thought processes. where there is no utility of friction it brings with it to ignite curiosity and new line of thought. continuity of which completes the truth about knowledge and not assumption of such. to achieve this. there is a act of going back and forth. within reality. u may like to discover ur past. and then spring forth to pour. if operation of now. and then sporting forward to future place to get a glimpse of trajectory held while creating the type of reality in association with knowledge. though only keen on the vital info. since the tapestry is the reality on which we reside most peacefully. or. any other way. which may. cause us to. or feel compelled to act. or be too certain of such. which is. one’s word against the others. often times such conjunction of knowledge tends to cause more harm than good since the certainty may being with it creation circumstances. or influence certain conditions or behaviours the same. or choice. since choice is what facilitates the act of change. or direction of such. or. the accumulation of info origin of which maybe ambiguous. and the determination of clarity compete the thought process that’s accrued over time to have some type of shadow aspect which is harder to discern if there is grounds for absolute certainty that does not particularly be concerned that a data can be partial. for this may cause us to feel inadequate in our accumulation of information on a given objective to which. maybe calculated as a flaw of reasoning. rather than the flaw in accumulation of information surrounding particular subject. but both can happen at the same time. the flaw of reasoning however does not connect in any direct way to flaw of accumulation of information. since both don’t take place at the same time. but they meet at a later trajectory. and then there’s complementary to what relates and refutation of what may be in excess.

information has a way of playing magic. they appear out of nowhere and then dissolve into nothingness. they perk up. cause all kinds of commotion and disturbances. or offer tranquility. comfort. and promote unity of ones otherwise contradictory in nature. that which pulls apart. that which causes resistance in one’s framework. which stresses the point of one’s operation. or. hells one feel at ease in the presence of such. offers confirmation. assurance. as well as security. to one’s trajectory in motion. hence the age of information that has appearance of ease but also complexities. bc there is still the organisms. that need to evolve their own accumulation of thought processes as well as relation and utility of such. under such conditions that ones may find themseves compelled to abuse data. it so happens to be. in a way to gain some sort of self assurance and stability in a otherwise uncertain conditions. is dire and true. hence the truth in everything. even though the placement of what’s true and just may touch on the more intrinsic point of activity. as opposed to what’s accustomed knowledge about “ truth “. some truths have a shorter shelf life. and are complementary to circumstance. for they offer a s temporary but valid passage to connect otherwise two opposing viewpoint s to reconcile an intellectual discrepancy. rather than supersede or cancel one in hopes to achieve the other. words have long been weaponed . to divide and conquer. therefrom we may draw a conclusion that is by all means not conclusive. since the trajectory is in motions. irregardless to how we may feel about objectives or whether if we are in total agreement or disagreement with such. given the context of situations. all forms of data is subject to error. error o delivery as well as error of understanding since the delivery is depended on understanding. correctly. the type of data. as well as how it was previously accumulated which depends on the understanding and correct use of data by of others. who are no longer here to confirm or deny correctness of the data that might have given them the appearance of truths. though some of these truths. may relate strongly to this side or that. they are only relative to their roth and cause. and are not directly connected with how any one of us wish things to be. the correct use of information starts with the wisdom to accept things as they are. change what we can and learn from what requires greater care concern and availability for its transcendence.


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