business as usual

tends to be divisive, when we prioritize our own vulnerability versus acting on a people centric perspective instead , the latter is not systemically available but it has the look of it, professes to be it, and has the seed of actually cultivating it, often we refer to the mind when actions are faulty, we say it’s the thoughts that delivered u here, so with our spirit when we as humankind, have unavoidable issues that tend to linger, persist, and are harder to resolve, in this case, we may notice, that the show also must go on. regardless to anything else that may come to our attention, perhaps as greater priority, in a way, we can truly get caught in a stream that’s up to no good, for when we realize not all momentum is created equal we no longer rely on the momentum own power to maintain smth, often times this part is referred to as a wisdom acquired or skill gained, or clarity is reached, or realization is acquired, and skill is gained which is where we can not unacquire it, or go back to darkness, we may deny truths in ourself, surely sometimes business can put ourself second when we must prioritize professionality among everything. if there is anything good we may takeaway from this momentum is that nothing we do and nothing we are part of is a waste of our energy and pursuit, only that which determines its intentions bc it’s often how u do smth versus why u do that gives substance to an appeal, otherwise everything could easily be appropriated and replace their predecessors completely. there is momentum there too, perhaps not in the way we think what accompanies momentum itself, to make it as such, there could be myriad of different objrdirves in own current, although when observed in smaller purview may seem separate but when we step back and see the stream as whole we see how everything interests with each other all the time. the show is the remedy to the work, we have hard work thereby we must be entertained, we are tired therefore we must indulge and rest, do the work of unwinding ourself, and we like to rest and sleep and often dream that sometimes we could fall asleep while we are fully awake, not because we are ignorant bc smth of a last win brought our current consciousness here , but all of a sudden we feel like a beginner gain, all 101s, this is when enlightenment has no fixed destination, it just flows its one constant continuum at intervals, stags of which are recognized by human consciousness, where we have fillers between these sparks of pure conscious states, where the hustle and bustle of life takes centre stage , aka business as usual, theories and its remedy, show must go on.

we take our last skills and move onto next, there is no great awakening greater then being fully aware of our continuous experience which only seems liken there are new beginnings or start news or great reset, but there is series of new beginnings although relative in surface, are also connected to the same source that livens both , they just seem to be part of a cosmic dance, and are simply doing their part within the manifold, although we may notice, bc the cut seems so convincing, we say this is separate and this is not united, we often assume this as efficient reasoning, momentum of which is often taught than reasoned well with, bc when we put to practice certain “studies “ and theories we may notice that they may lead us somewhere but often undesired , or produces severe side effects that we may recourse ourself , or become enlightened , upon a recurring new small but relative to one’s path type experience that require ur immediate attention , surely bc it’s new u may feel , new, all of a sudden and ur prior established skill set, due to ur given trials have given u a feeling of inadequacies , may cause us self doubt, did i actually have this precious win, or is it purely the product of my own reasoning, that maybe faulty or unreasonable in some way, or selfish or self based rather, one may wish to consciously avert any delusional thoughts and for that one must consciously keep oneself in check , at intervals to ensure of one’s awakened reality. with twists and turns we may notice the path to enlightenment is not straight but can happen or give the look of instantaneous enlightenment. in a way much like business mind or our diligence to remedy others affliction via entertainment or any other form of help, where u prioritize ur work over the own wellbeing, u may wish to place limits, where u can ensure that urself is in check, and are well rested, for when we are on constant on mode, we can have way burn out, at any stages placement where some drama unfolds, this refers to making bad decisions, bc ur system simply cannot process any more data , and bc the prior conditions may have us, reluctant to accept our follies, our own faulty reason within a world of strong contradiction, it becomes easy for us to assume entertainment is reality instead and vica versa, we make excuse for why we can’t be socially and personally responsible on a given occurrence when it’s small so it grows to un proportional heights instead which even we can’t direct, and therein lies the issues that gores from faulty business practices. with little or no oversight and integrity of practical reason , towards why they do things so mechanically, with little or no concern of its applicability, then idc we need to escape reality in some way

bc our systems can feel like series of resets as if it’s actually doable, since there is prior and it can’t be extracted from the person, although a person may feel like they have multiple personalities under guise of multiple professions, some in sequence, where ur arbitrary essentialist is ur mere physicality, ur just a fleshy robot who is called onto do as they are told, nothing more. which is a strong product of business as usual method that has become so engrained in us collectively that we are numb to our own natural reasoning, to counter it, or to become .. enlightened , aware. we may feel these cuts and breaks are not one big continuous , as we chip away at our person, and start “new” in changed now in different but we don’t k wow hats changed , the whole person? who we eh gonna replace this old person with now ? a newfound self, only that we may have changed where we live and change how we do certain things, we may change jobs the same, ur doing this type of work, often using focusing on area of body for labour, and then ur doing this other job using an entirely different part of ur body for labour, died ru find relief from being off duty from that which is prior bc of its repetitive nature, and how often job and work often is in this world, and u must toil bc if u stop, that doesn’t mean there are avenues for u to take much rest in, the warning ones keep , is what defines business as usual bc mx uh like the show must go on, itself remedies a human notion, but we just haven’t perfected it just yet, here , when u change hats u may feel at odds with urself bc now the newness has worn off and u are becoming exhausted, on another menial task, which seems rather not natural, even thigh itself acts along the natural lines like how we say we each of us must earn our keep, but then systems bankrupt people, and all the while have no safety nets to have them quick recovery, perhaps we can assume this to one’s own personal exhaustion, bc the momentum demands so much from us, but how do we relay such a pressing concern all the while the machine must continue to run efficiently, even tho prior has already shown within itself myriad of instabilities , we may wish to have a recovery program for such instances where a machine of this size starts acting up, bc of how many people that depend on its efficiency, in a way, we rely on business much like we rely on lung, without it everything collapses.

just as essential as we must go on just to ensure basic human rights, that depend on every need, we also need to recognize the necessary stops we have to make, so that we carefully analyze whether if we are doing our work efficiency, before we w well the way first haphazardly and then in hindsight say sorry , the carelessness by impact here refers to our not recognizing the truth and power in the diligence of our work, we may strive for great objectives and then get sloppy with what is, why did we have a change of heart ? was the work we took on not what we thought it was? perhaps we made the wrong call in intention, which can happen at early part of our lives where we don’t have the skill yet to determine on such objectives since they are product of man, and are not natural so we can’t be born with it, but we can be born with unique skill set to complement a particular type of work instead, perhaps what we need to calculate as part of our skill building we need to include element of innocence or not knowing bc the way is initially unfamiliar as skill building goes, we only become familiarized after some experience is gained and some time has passed, but even in our familiarité we run the risk of over generalization and making the mistake of giving too much into momentum which gives illusion of a straight way where in truth, bc there are twists and turns on the road, this attention, beings enlightenment on the course of one’s journey for interesting with the path cognizantly and with full awareness, but to be standard counter to all and everything can also develop its own momentum, so we have some way to be in the middle of it all while balancing between two polarities , and discerning the fluctuations between the interactions of much smaller polarities , all of which are connected, and they vibrate into particular types of data which is the most essential component to our natural narrative of what is.

some times delusions when they persist they feel like cataracts in one’s eyes, often blocking the purview with too much substance matter that is not necessarily need to be there or serves a purpose, but these , overtime as they persist only leave behind a void, in its place, where the previous , or the natural purview is still there , but now has clear markings on it, our social misdemeanours act very much like that which can lead to states of amnesia or temporary states of vital memory loss, but it’s still there its just not available to be tapped into, much like when we enter a new stage of our spiritual profession and then away bc we are too expert like to begin “like that” like a newbie does , we turn away potential of growth bc it seems like it is kicking a fight with our expertly enlightenment, we think someone is attacking our enlightenment, someone wants to put us back into darkness, but if an enlightenment is easily lost then it’s probably not an enlightenment although it could very well contribute to it, just perhaps, we may wish to elaborate on the nature of interactions to determine good use of any experience that may complement the process of our awakening, which refers to our business sense as well as the times of leisurely activities since when we refer to entertainment, we mean leisurely activities or of play, a balancing act that is required to master to upkeep and continue on, but then we see that we are often struggling with such issues that so not allow us to build some degree of self efficiency, almost bc we are at the whim of smth bigger than us, persons those above us, and maybe facilitated by those who are above them, and so on, until we reach the top of the summit and then try to decipher so that we can reason well with currency of what is for the determination of what needs to be done, each well within their own power . the twists and turns are too systemized in the concrete reality where we are forced into a pretzel like state, and we are folded upon ourself rather unnaturally which distorts the way we are developing the continuity of our senses in perceiving reality , think of this much like of initially having been born with perfect system, of antennas that perceive the reality purely, but then, the strong turbulence on the road twist some of the antennae making it harder to pick up on signals efficiently , causing within one strong contradictory thought processes which can dilute one’s perception of what work is and what even is entertainment, let alone give one permission to fully be self enlightened, bc one may assume in their state that one has already arrived, and here , there is truth in that, we are already here, but we also are here on a planet that has her own u o que characteristic , and we can’t just live without considering the relationships own quality, we can assume we can abandon it, but this only works to strengthen parochial types of delusions that have long took root, posing itself as good work


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