what does it mean,

a meaningful living ? to give meaning to things in life aside bc it may be a subjective experience , to us, while not adhering to global relativity, the meaningful life is quite full filling, it’s with substance , and it helps us feel contentment thru out our lives , regardless of what it seems like on the outside we could be in the middle of a battlefield, an injustice is an injustice, with a wrong being a wrong, and knowing our rights full well, we remain, the uppermost meaning upon our life and righteousness, which stretches well beyond this one life, thus everlasting ness of our pure presence is the meaning, we embody, in human form, at times it can be shrouded, or secular, others meanings maybe too self interested , it can cause quite many harms, which we see abound, especially during heightened times, we lost all meaning, reasons go out the door , bizarre events happen all under the umbrella of systemic inconsistencies, which instigated guilt and that further facilitates paranoia, which then makes people astringent towards others in their personal path and unique struggles c often feeling inferior in presence of someone who might figure things out or do things differently but it produces well results, they can easily see this as a attack bc challenges who and what they are and what they are , although secular , in thought, is quite very flawed, since it doesn’t operate from the oneness basis other than the oneness being ownership, their meaning do the same establishments in our collective efforts to harmony , and happiness is their selfish benefit at ur cost, in fact this rooted to our human history, a big maladjustment is what gets us all messed up in the end, it’s the misalignment that requires a spiritual chiropractor , not to break u , those included to such thoughts, but to help u get thru ur end of the ordeal , for the bargain is thick, the road does not seem clear, as delusions would have us, especially when they linger, we may also notice our bad behaviour, what it instigates and feel shame and guilt, inadequate that we wish to have others in worse situations, bc then it makes us feel less wrong or faulty, these are all meaning see place in events that happen in our lives when we think ourselves too desperate from others, n its hard to overcome bc if we cast ourself apart we refuse all forms of communication , and therefore forcing others to act in accordance to our separation but issues is we may assume they caused the separation first bc we are delusional and do not see our own behaviour and what instigated these series of events bc of our denial and refusal of our part within its unfoldment, in a way, coming to a collective meaning is going to have to be t he way and i think everyone to an extend is aware of it, hence the strong sense of resistance to change and intent to further separation , the issue is this, we can’t hang onto faulty ideologies anymore we simply cannot afford it, it causes very terible things to occur in the world and materialize , in thru action form, for example there is words , and then there is abuse of words to at go thru use of system such as faulty legislations or lies , slander , that are also filtered thru systems including faulty orders, and brewing the law , so in a way system is breaking the rules its own rules to meet down secular objective ,, the difference on many similar objrdirves is this sensitive to discernment, its hard to tell the originating conditions , if we went cautious and careful as we parse through the appropriations of certain instances., as it’s often said, not all kindness is kind as not all glitter is gold, some just offer traps to further subdue and thawed our own budding meanings within the world, as we are gardeners to our life these secular meaning are like weed stifling our recourses and further causing us extinctions disturbing the balance evading peace

surely we can mean well and believe just we can overcome these trouble too but we must want it, and be honest about it, and be willing to work thru our difficulties for good change not evasion and empty proclamation that we have changed for better fie simply passage of time or simple basic appropriation to kindness and charity whereas we don’t truly keep things constant or do things for the good in our hearts for good change and bc it’s the right things to do bc the basis for good change is the ability to be and do good and have self restrain although we can easily detect how preferential secular thoughts are, they are always about what’s in it for me and what can i get from this, and while there is nothing wrong with wanting to have value along with ur meaning it’s wrong when we become so accustomed to getting smth or self value and worth that we abandon free causes , such as how there is no profit in helping people, or doing good things , from a systemic purview that’s established on false ideologies this is a threat and growing danger upon many effects of which we see amplified in the recent years , and those with the secular ideas are like vampires that grin between their teeth in broad daylight bc they figured out a way to be shameless, u confront them in their inhumanity and they smile and say so what? so what, that’s a big issue bc we can’t communicate, what then is next to do here, words we often used as trails , the i was here, hey look here, there is a problem , and it’s supermassive , for it threatens all of us in some way, if we can’t achieve small discrepancies and tiny objrdirves with fuel diligence how can then we be held responsible on bigger matters of human entanglements ? bc we can’t simply say we can manage thru this , when we can’t even accept self digress , u might have done some mistake along the way, but don’t know how to find a meaning , for meanings is all makes us sometimes when we do not establish a sense of self without clinging , the question arises who are u in the absence of me, surely the absence maybe an illusion bc even those who die are alive among us still, and that there is general sense of permeability in the wild and in space, from our human purview the most dominating constant is the presence of energy, this eternal bliss is what we in a way chase , thru out our lives which eventually we shall return towards but there is arrival and then departures , here the quality of departure matters just as much as how we got here , we may think too little of it, but internally that which we fear may hold some truths there but we may simply not know how to go about it, bc the ways of the world has us this rather amnesiac states of existence , for if we remeber everything and recalled all as such for the linguistic weaklings we are , offended at every guk but memory has a way of creeping up, it doesn’t leave us too exactly does it we contain ancient secrets in our make , well beyond this world for we came from somewhere , and are collectively on the way o somewhere else from here , this escapes us somehow, or we get cynical at times for the pain we incurred , but don’t know how to form establish basis for the meaning part of things as sometimes we feel nurtured by the universe and at other times , feel indifferent , and this may perturb us, as the question arises , what did i deserve to experience this, was i really that bad, what does this really mean to my spiritual path? is there anything i should look about and change well within my spring of existence so that i improve upon the conseil of which im periled

and sometimes things happen, there are meanings something has to start smth somewhere somehow in some way containing some people that simply happened to be there and that’s it, e for seize it own it run claims that we know what we were doing, we didn’t , we simply do t have that kind of expertise early on its introduced to us , and we are imitates of such secret order , of being human, the divinity of it, and how actually sacred we all truly are, but we still can’t get it right, this split between the people , so bad so toxic, and they do more , than just to wash other, they do it to others too and worse it mutates they triangulate they cause separation between happy healthy relationships to stir things further in their own favour, and ofc the worst case scenario is always rip , rip to u and rip to ur family rip to all ur hopes and dreams too rip to all the plans u had in line with that and all ur relationships are also buried like lost treasure, weird as it may, this world is wild indeed we only learned how to dress better , and act like this great idea is true and just maybe we hit a celestial vein, smth that truly resonates although at first we were only thinking for and of ourselves we said , ah yea , i umm we should quell the people we need to keep them contained so we should lie about objectors and fear monger them to submission it will always work in our favour bc they don’t know this. and they act among us, they plunder on broad daylight, we willingly give it away bc we believe it , bc what else is there, we are convinced too that the systems re quite very real as they are they can get very real real quick, they have power to flip u on ur head after all, and idc at heightened times they will order war off the menu, they love the thrill, and but we don’t want that kind of life, constant entanglement, constancy of struggles some of these people are too much imbued in our lives it’s like they can’t exist without our constant attention whereas life can be very simple indeed bc we have evolved past our cold drive misdeeds , but we see everything in a compassionate eye, even towards those with secular minds and who insist on their meanings that may be related to them.c to be for all, in some dominating forces coercive way, and that’s wrong, u can believe whatever it may be the first thing that wholeness o earth but that doesn’t justify the means ans the means is too mean for us to continue on with it for much longer, something has to give smth has to change about things otherwise we are already headed to our collective extinction and here surely some folks can or handle their troubled memories, bc it hurts how bad u are here u at the end , and u may even feel suicidal and nihilistic , but taking it out on the world of people won’t make things go away either it’s like ur out of control while only holding what appears to be in control , ur abject version of it . that’s where most slip ups happen, how do we tell people kindly who refuse to hear us, that this harms us everyone, and there are better ways to establish and co ordinate better meanings that we can place upon everyone to each individual for there u too can have healthy meaning , not the ones in repeat or hiding in plain sight or have to be arrogant or aggressive just to seek some forced coercive validation from rest of us bc we know, we already see thru the facades and it has to stop .

we also need to understand , we don’t have to be fond of each other to do the right things , bc this is often where things go wrong with the oldest ideology that ruined the world and to this day we treat the effects as stand alone causes or characteristic of them without holding ourself responsible for any of it while work to continue to maintain stronghold and promote further separation which leads us collectively to further disintegration which we see today , that’s why this his the most dominating issue peril of us and getting in our collective way of some type of resolve , and the other issue is the ideology is rooted in violence they know nothing but cause friction and war monger so when we speak like this we run the risk of , much like making eye content with a beast and that instigates their attack bc they feel this is a engaged attack, aka extremely alpha behaviour but it lacks reason , self discipline which is self control, so u see where the compensation is at, when u lack self control u wish to excessively control others, this is terrible thing when these types of indiciels with this strong belief to take up gov office spaces. this unreasonable hate has to be brought to global light , to shed light on this hateful objrdirves that plagues our lives is essential and is a must for its a cancer to society, it harms everyone shortens our life causes much friction among our loved ones all of which impact our health and we already have to deal with plastic beads in our food resources and all the other contaminated crap, there is little room for reasonable understanding when ur dealing with extreme alpha individuals , and u may ask me well since ur so versed in “meanings “ what is the meaning of our lives then, well good q , and our meaning is precisely that , to be sovereign human beings co habituating the earth equally under one law, the golden rule, imagine we are all self disciplined know right from wrong wont spend money frivolously or abuse systems or each other , we know right from wrongs, we wanna be able to cultivate a honorable life , not this current one where the work seems rather upside down for many, u have to lie cheat deceit just to get by and get around, there are a ton of corners cut in the finacial realm where it barely survives yet we think this is a perfect system at we really that delusional ? we know something has to change bc this constancy of hate and social grift will eventually have to come to end, we can’t maintain expanded state of mind at the same time bc we can’t evade facts and factors that make up our lives , we don’t think literally words are spells when we say thing since that should suffice maybe to recall few more times if we stop talking about it doesn’t mean we changed our mind about it, or else it’s always better to ask first before assuming of it’d palpability and not act on them. and so with that representative , we don’t just go thru stuff in our lives and then we adapt to what’s next, without prior resolve, and depression and sadness aren’t individualistic they are made to be chronic for what happens after what take place initially, this is in no secret a truth when things are small we tend to to them with good intention and kind , when we mean truly well this produces good results socially, and the bad speaks for itself , bc now we have appropriation of good which is what’s at stake here imagine u think smth is good for u and go on trusting it it smiles and acts all loving but it actually is killing u slowly and gets off of achieving its secret, its sinister it truly is a cancer to us, this ideology , and with a few simple basic changes socially and systemically we can improve a great deal of objrdirves worldwide and thus may reflect much better edits on our spiritual ground no matter what ur belief system is, its the contentment that we seek , to establish and maintain effortlessly, , there is smth sinister about people who are delusional also bc they are unpredictable even though they r entrusted with human ordeals such as big social responsibilities thru the systems , in return they rob the world of potential of good people with great unique skill fro enriching it, including themselves , the secular ones too, as well as cause people to be responsible in others life such as their families , all in perils but we don’t have systemic retribution for such discrepancies , even though they cost the systems more , unless we see that the ideology is on our economy, and that killing people saves lives then we seek human rights counsel unless they are tainted with the ideology too so the issue is much bigger when we see the patterns all over the world and mesure the end results of each , versus what they say, bc we aren’t enchanted by fancy words with no substance aka action to back them up

the true art of diverse seeks some type of unity , but without changing others for ur self benefit, which pairs the dominating ideologies that do not respect others in their culture and their own preferences and ways as well as their narratives for all this imbued and its what makes up our coordeove loves we see systems both revere themselves for doing greet things and don’t do greet things when in extreme collective perils this is a contradictory occurrence which should be for thee examine s and looked at, bc if we have developed a set of system for the be fit fo the people, that is of true meaning albeit however falsely initiated originally, the vein seems to resonate well with the goodwill of people and we see examples where those of economic relief tend to do better in life and as human beings including their health, healthier neighbours that are safe n produce positive results in the peoples lives , surely we see issues there too, we can see domestic disputes divorced , even child abuse bd this is past of our unity that w which we can’t core ok bc of our permeability , when there is disturbance in the ether if field things manifest , and especially those of ignored or denied objectives that trickle down to us in a way u can see what leaders do at large by deciphering what people do and why they do among each other why and what not, we must be present and conscious as well as aware and not adhere to secular meanings but coercive ones , those that pertain to all equally u must love people and believe their rights and righteousness regales to what ur being taught, in history books or basses on by someone’s idea of them, and there is good among us people who are trying to keep the lot together and unified regardless to all the challenges posed on us all, in some measure and regardless to our faulty past, bc we all have them but these acceleration of recent years have changed us a bit too we may wish to recognize that, all the suffering in the world -!: our own struggles mature us, we become quieter , but mindful thoughtful inquisitive curious contemplative drawn within, and working towards benevolence, compassion, we want to understand each other and wish to help each other its thinking ur the drop in the ocean and u can feel the whole ocean when u fell united to all in some way? so then making ocean toxic isn’t gonna affect u? that’s the power of one that’s the law of one at that, we think we taint parts of the water or air or land or each other , but we can’t get in the way of this and we have tried that’s why economic gaps are weapons bc it prevents some people from vital info and info can save lives especially when paired with systemic execution of what needs to be done to help them.


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