we have the extremes bc things are out of balance

things are out of balance because we have the extremes, it actually does not matter which comes first but for the entertainment of the mind and the delving deeper into the nature of objectives, we simply notice the intersections between what instigates alternations, and what maintains them, but more so we delve into what maintained them bc it’s thru there that we can bring about good balance , otherwise our alternations can continue to cause us to point fingers at each other, but u started it first therefore i can be as bad as i want to be and there’s nothing u can do about it plus it’s justified, justified ? by whose standards ? we don’t notice our power, that’s the problem , doesn’t matter whether if we are the doers or the ones that are done to, for this only complements our selective reality, we want this or that from the buffet of humanity, that which appeals to us and then reject anything that we do not like, especially that which belongs to us, which may require that inner diligence to dig a bit deeper to find out its out of balance ness for all the extremes about us comes from within, there has to be a contradiction somewhere, at the end of the day , the true meaning of what out of balance ness means comes from something being too much somewhere and thereby causing lack somewhere else , in conjunction to it whether if the connection is direct or indirect, bc these would be our own self oscillations about meanings of objrdirves, which came first , which is the correct order, but there are many contexts at play, and this purely depends on the comprehensive order in which we recognize reality, some say the material reality dominates more .others say it’s the intrinsic fluid of what makes us human, the egg or the chicken? maybe they come together and then at the middle somewhere , depending on which they middle can be derived, surely there’s a correct balance to it as well, to truly meet at the middle where it’s almost like ur holding a staff with double edges, both can be be exist and harmful the same, so the lace has balance of the opposites and opposites within the plaited as well, things can go well, then they can get out of whack pretty quick,and we can chuck an entire system by misunderstanding a part to the whole, now that’s just another form of extremism , it’s much like a cancel culture, ur sure too certain and an attribute to a greater cause can instigate forced chance but often this switches gears somewhere in the middle, where the two extremes meet , and often people end up paying the price for smth that doesn’t benefit society, but to meet in the middle, first we may wish to determine where each of us came from, thru our development ofc, but this part can be murky, since there’s extreme there too, it’s almost like we live a double life, there’s one that takes place within, and the other that must partake in the world of order of events, where the order of things is murky as well bc they are precisely designed by people who are getting familiar with their own inner order, in these instances z, we have why appears to be diversion of public realtors , where the extremes are together and also apart, h get ur small group where all this benefits them , in their favour, attributes to a what appears to be exemplar to a amicable healthy happy societies and the peoples who are pure, whose intentions are clear and or they make the models for what perfect humans could be, or striven for, an example for brb masses who make the other end of the extreme, in constant strife, riddled in poverty, with numbers dominating their minds for the most time ,

in the same way our inner conditions may touch upon this excess extremism, we may feel excessive craving to objectives , and then be too up in the clouds about meta sphere, but out of order in both instances where such cravings could refer to diversion of cause and effect where ones may not only not notice that which they create but are not up to the task of responsibility for that which they create, and in the other instance, their meta sphere could be clouded judgement , where they meditate on harming others and get pleasure from the thought of harming others, with the meta part being that we think we can achieve this , and we convince ourself that this is good, and that it serves smth vital, the delusion here refers to mistaking the bad action for a good one, and the ignorance borne out of denial, regardless to what road signs may perturb us in our otherwise sensibilities , where after a few wrongs at least that we must ascertain this is not the right way to go, and or correct order of objectives and begin our inner calling for the humble seeking for righting those objectives, then this coincides with the other, craving turns to strong need to eliminate one’s suffering caused by one’s ignorances, and because one has already projected outwards a faulty or limited deluded version of one’s being, this craving translates as eliminating the enemy, or further causing harm, bc now ur mistaking ur survival ability with that which u register internally, foibles by the external conditions and here we may note most altercations have no external harm or danger to their person, its all spring from an internal process, even the cases of warfare require careful diligence u must sit and meditate u must think of what steps ur gonna take, at the very least there has to be proper presence of nurturing of particular nature of thoughts that complement the eventual act , say u succeed, u do smth that can’t be undone , it registers with nature, and u may feel strong discomfort from the effects that haven’t natured, u just get a glimpse into the future, a sort of foresight, or that he feeling s are redirecting their course of trajectory bc of the induction of a new fresh karma in ur system, u know that life is good otherwise , for we all feel and seek some type of prayer as well as respite from simply being, for being, and for simply existing, our true nature therefore is rooted in harmony and joy, bliss and -contentment-.

for example, whether if what we do is good or bad, say we are doing smth bad assuming it’s good, after it’s done, we have conflict of two feelings, the delusion that we did smth good and the satisfaction of competing a task( although this part is not sustainable for the bad it contains but the good parts almost always count for smth as which is where we compartment or we selective assume the secular good for a particular part of whole to the entirety of the whole in its equanimity without having established balance between the both) and the fact that smth bad happened and that we feel into the future of smth daunting that implicates the way all of a sudden, and that we must seek to eliminate what ever this instigated reaction, assuming that someone might have saw our good deeds and wants to get in its way , this causes us to be defensive for no reason , more so wrong reason , bc for the place where we need to truly open up and take a good look at us we assume is external to us thereby forcing us to get on attack mode toward others, who maybe near by who may psychology ignore smth triggering to the concomitant inner contraption of our psyche, we can become quarrelsome when we do not stop to reflect on our actions , always living in the impulsiveness is another sign of extreme conditions , a person may mistake a particular type of experience for another , even for its essentialist, for some spontaneity has purposes, it cannot however be simulated lest it loses its lustre of what makes it spontaneous, for the true art of deciphering what sort of spontaneity refers to one’s life one must be clear undiluted by the perturbations of one’s mind, coupled by one’s senses as well as how one translates thought into action, more so what thought into action and the quality of that thought process as well as the as thoughts that can ahead of time be part of one’s internal system of checks and balances in terms of wrong and right, how much and what can u risk here in terms of the decisions that u make, and here we have influential conditions as well, as there’s a degree of unmitigated conditions that cannot be altered by one’s mind , only that one can make incantations and such, such as prayer before eating a meal, or handing of food in good conscience, no harmful thoughts or ill intentions complement and infuse ones actions and what one touches, whom , and why , some of which we are attracted to, for reasons well beyond our self control, and that which we can thus refer to extent condition of the nature in which everyone must to an extend be compelled other this or that way for the sanctity of the entire karma of humankind, to be aptly and compassionately resolved after such issues are brought collectively to light, we can deny the palpability do a better life, giving into extreme condolence do selfish might, assuming that there is no respite , despite the good efforts of those with god conscience , in which case when we in our senses are heightened in extremes , we find the peace rather boring , harmony dull , and anything else that’s good as some sort of trap or too orderly, u might think outside the box in terms of what makes u feel alive but it’s it always found in such extra conditions of causing harm to others in order to feel anything , bc u do not otherwise sit well with self conclusions which refers to self study, closing chapters, digesting one’s own experiences, seeking wisdom and reconciling differences in a humane way, utilizing the five senses and using communication as a means to derive willpower, the staff of double edged sword , in which case u build necessary skills to balance it aptly , with no harm to urself and or others ,

in a way, everything brings us to the relationship between thoughts and feelings /!: where we utilise our inner most , that meeting place, of two extremes, to bring about , via our wielding of willpower, that is the careful balance between making a wish , and having it come thru, that u also walk the way in towards it’s manifestations , although it sounds simple, for it brings us to two points of operation , one where we work internally, to carefully parse between stark objectives and the other is turned into action, but u know full well u can’t back track ur actions so u must be careful, and then if u do err , work to its resolution and not refer to denial or act like things didn’t happen, bc u made a error but wish not to accept it’s consequences, this is how we can solve things before they become too extreme, too far apart that we cannot recollect our sense and being about some comprehensive unity, during tough times, as we know tough times bring with it a ton of destruction, things fall apart , things get undone , and in addition to that, things get into abject collisions with each other which causes a host of other problems, mutates negative side effects, and causes delusions to arise which multiply more illustrious behaviours of extreme conditions to follow and then we give birth to more worlds within worlds of delusory natures, its worse when we pass laws and normalize systems in assumed good conscience than what is right and true and in , some instances, we may know smth to not be right but have incorrect order of objrdirves such as things come before people, or properly if things matters more than priority if people, even though in some instances u have to prioritize things such as in medicine or when ur working the docks , u have to be careful handling boxes or else they break which can be wasteful, but ur not sacrificing ur life or health for it, thats the point , the human objective should precede material objrdirves and then work with human objectives not as a mere incentive to its abject obfiscurations determined only by the few upon the many regardless to what limited context we know into or untruth and nature , of why we are here, our comprehensive philosophy, which determines us back to eliminating of any type of confusion and discomfort, and seeking contentment disguised as joy fleeting happiness temporary conditions that may desperately give us a resolve but that which we may not be able to sustain bc they are not appropriate to our condition or cause and we are not ready receive the truths about our soul, not bc we are not deserving orc but due to induction of the new karma that implicates our way, blocks our purview, isn’t designed to blind us, it is there to get our attention, so that we can look to it rather than reject or deny or prolong our suffering , for this causes us many mental ablutions where we mistake one cause for another and juxtapose between stark objrdirves, another form of extreme controls that imperil us

and there’s attachment, the worse of it, it’s said a broken clock is right two a day, so here we can get glimpses or relief and mistake it for the right thing, shall secular contexts disguised as whole, wolf in sheep’s clothing, and bc we are so desperate by now , since extreme conditions sap us from energy, tires us depletes our resources, makes us sick , with concern and worry, we are too tired , as a result of that attachment arises whrr we re we mistake secular joys for full contentment but the thing about contentment is that unlike happiness joy and fleeting desires, it cannot be enforced or mimicked or assumed, it has to develop naturally and be maintained naturally which it already has if contentment is our true nature so then what blocks the purview ? why are we so agitated all the time, ? there could be one of two reasons, either we are artificially perturbed by external simulated conditions or we are causing our own self from insisting on our denials of being right, and what is denied here ? ur truth? ur own story? and digestibility ur own hard experiences ? there’s a current purview that people are both guided by the system and at the same time of having caused their own suffering regardless to external conditions , now we see the system come to full purview of having gone thru many past transformations and here when we are deeply imbued we may not see what’s portrayed and what’s changed but when we step back a little or let the waters clear, then we notice that things are alive and well and are actively being changed to meet the needs of , well the central past about our life , where there seems either to be die type of lack or some extreme need for the strong insistence on things being this way, this is not self happening either bc when we determine objrdirves we can refer to set of actions that potentiate their results which means that there’s no spontaneity in places where there are material distinctions to be made and correlations of such is what makes up our material reality, they which we take great reverie on following orders , and preserving structure, so far it has killed us. where’s in the last some objrdirves might have accidentally been occurred, nowadays we machinate these adrien as part of our strategic operations to stay alive at the cost of others suffering, this seems to have been the hidden motto, an elephant in the old, that we all notice , may subconsciously be aware, or are completely affected by the strong side effects of its causing much might, forcing us into conundrums, a mind of fomo, ur not able to determine whether if the choices u make are going to bring u good results bc u can’t afford the time to slow down and think carefully, u simply couldn’t stop in the train tracks as a train approaches do u? ofc not, but this very much feels like it, stop and life runs over u, mulching u to become fodder for others successes, and the other , least successful part is that u may simply create undesirable side effects either guided by external invincible hand of some who wish to use u this way, or as faulty part of social mechanism that breaks down in parts or is often misused , for some purpose or other, much for when we cut people down and fit them into the infastructure of yesteryears than improve the infastructure along with ever evolving peoples needs , and the preservation of certain jobs as titles over the sanctity of the others, which are more along the lines of wage slavery, or no finding respite , despite our constant efforts to overcome strong adversity in myriad of extremes, causing this human experience to be anything but full of contentment , and surely we too can let it go and find bliss and contentment in nothing , for this does us our soul much gratitude to let things go before time comes, though just bc we can does it mean we should , can we ahead of time know how this world works so that when we are getting thru we consider others, u can handle the pain, but should our kids and grand kids be subject to it? the same ? where is evolution then? these extremes may quell overtime but time runs out fast in a universe of bigger causes and effects in full motion .


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