what does it mean to let things go and what does enlightenment feel like

letting go sounds easy, but we don’t know exactly what it is we are letting go and whether if we have any power in terms of sustainability if that which we choose to let go, now we can let go things we don’t need, but they don’t disappear, we may accidentally let go the wrong thing or frivolously let it go to buy more , and that can be a problem, subtly these are available to us , like an internal picture, as well as our higher self, a voice of reason that tells us ahead of time the shape and look of things before they happen, roughly though not as concrete objectives and definitely not objective but subjective , or depending on which they refer to their contextual basis , much like enlightenment that’s quite ordinary, this is a ordinary process in us, and we can examine this process by being aware of our internal processes, as we let things go, we let issues go, but some of them longer yet others repeat, when we let go people, some of them come back in terms of other people but with same lesson, yet it’s same people but with different reason, yet we can’t perfect the skillful art of letting go bc perhaps we don’t know what it is we need to let go, when smth bad happens , we let go the whole thing but then we feel bad or a wharf time treating others all of sudden, our system begins to act up, and we force ourself to enlightenment we say bad things teach good reasons , we say pain is a getaway towards complete and total enlightenment and expect that to take root or happen, we want it to be extravagant , all kinds of fireworks, and sometimes we do feel this way, for example when we first experience initial states of enlightenment , we are much like falling in love for the first time, so in a way we fall in love with ourself but we may not know this just yet , we are maki by association with feelings , and the feeling of love generally is a good feel and ask anyone , everyone will tell u it’s a wonder dim thing to occur, but ofc there are other processes, we may have excessive attachment , or concern or we over generalize or start to see everything as good and well even though they are not , in a way we let go all bad thinking g but then we may miss the signals and signs that smth is wrong or could be wrong or needs attention on detail of smth that might give u the necessary insight, bc we are attached to heightened feelings , bc they give relief, bc life is hard, bc we think after suffering we get enlightened , bc we mistake things easy, but this teaches us things once we let go the rig her things and notice that enlightenment is actually quite very ordinary it’s like breathing , or being , or sitting in nature just enjoying being one with all, and that u can feel even in ur stillness the movement of all, the ants on the ground the birds and squirrels in the greets , the water nearby, cars passing by in a great distance an occasional airplane , and then there’s what’s beyond, the other people all over the place doing their everyday duties , or having leisurely activities u can envision people in traffic, in their kitchen preparing dinner, children playing with the family pet and so on, then u can extend beyond that which ur familiar with and reach unfamiliar grounds such as people who live in the mountains or by the beach, those who go on daily dives to catch fish so they can sell it at the marketplace so that they can pay their bills so that their kids are fed,

the true art of letting go starts with discernment ,; from what is to what isn’t, but we still run the risk of making error in the subtlest systems that we run within, such own th e what is the enlightened being, the work never ends, it’s a continual place , u have arrived yes but momentarily u will move again , and then u will arrive yet again only to move some more, this process allows us to marinate what we experience , and not have to act on objrdirves all the time, bc the way of the world gets us ina continual bind that only motion is essential on the todd to success, that to be does not factor in anything other than maybe periods of rest or the obvious that we know about it, what it does to our bodies and so on, we can even challenge that and see that we are forced to let go, we are forced to clear the schedule for instance when we overwork, at some point we are forced to go to bed , take medicine , bd there’s strong side effect to our exhaustion, there are many types of this exhaustion and false adaptations to our natural vibrations, many of these processes may cause us to artificially let go objectives such as when we are confronted with systemic injustice or negligence we are forced to let go our suffering , or struggles but this is not effective nor is it realistic bc no matter how much we let go, things persist , such as the effects from that which has been wrong, and then when we challenge these contradictions emotions, we are forced to change our mindset so that our environment change s which is also wrong , the environment does not change according to our mindset or else if its snowing outside with the flick of a single thought we could have power to stop it , we can say it is not snowing or let it go, and it shall disappear , it will stil do what it needs to do until its done , in the case of subtler forms of reality, such in the case of thoughts that apply to changes, the process ends up being more prolonged , we for example think that enlightenment is a stationary place of arrival and so we reflect this value to our systems , we say that the systems have arrived this is the best we can do there’s no way to communicate this any other way , let it go and it will be alright , in fact change ur mindset , we will teach u what to think and how u see for “template “ of thought processes that are acceptable , and yet again instabilities continue, systems get severely burdened and challenged and if nothing else things become heavy within, we are burdened by the instabilities that surround us – and many contradictions in our absolute certainty about how things generally should be, and u can force urself all u want with these forced enlightenment ways , u can sustain things for a while before cracks begin to appear or that u are led somewhere that doesn’t exist , and all of a sudden ur abandoned there, mentally these extreme cases of isolation are not healthy and cause host of side effects within human conduct and towards systems which is why systems in turn feel threatened by them, but they don’t see the correlation there , they think the issue is rather stand alone or isolated , itself might determine that human beings are capable of bad ever since before time, so that this must be so but does not look to see itself is human as mere operators and there could be potential or error of personals resonating there in determining the absolute objrdirves for others

when the system continue to criminalize and punish people for the side effects of systemic toxicity, people in turn may reach enlightenment and recognize how ordinary and healthy it is , how easy things can be , and try to be a living example so that systems can see via actual action embodiment and be inspired by these and change themselves towards future welfare of people so that they are benevolent , waste less time energy and people to figure things out , since we may already be forced to accept some among us has this type of advantage and can actually sustain it, just bc they said so, and bc of this we reflect it in our enlightenment as superiority complex but in small doses , systems of reckoning finding this bc they do this but with larger quantifying factors that impact large groups of people and influence much larger grounds , only difference even systems would let itself to do this , but would criminalize urs instead or use it as a counter measure to ur self betterment , seeing that ur gerri g better challenges systemic knowledge on these objrdirves, that a given persons suffering should be this much time frame but it bears no fruition or make any long lasting changes within the system could give us insight or enlightenment into the topic of such productivity in the first place , but we are too busy to see this bc our business clings onto strong emotions such as retributions and revenge , or being ton calculated about world and life as well as other beings go , to be of absolutely certainty about others does not reflect total enlightenment nor does it represent it as such , but there is truth there bc when we know ourself then we know each other we just assume we know frivolous details or get special insight we can weaponize against them later on? another facet of systems that play out among us bc these things dont go away no matter how much they shred evidences and kill or silence those who do know these factors are self evident among us, we can ignore them, or deny them, or try to change their nature by mind games , we can change the meanings of words, we can change the loon of objrdirves to fit a feeling of new beginnings , no matter what we do, some of these long established and continual processes have a mi d of their own, and no matter how much we ignore these as self evident , they only become more and more imbued with our daily life, so what happens when ignorance and enlightenment are entwined ? are they one rope where two rope are pulling it at either end ? u either go in the mud or they do, there’s no such thing as two winners here, ur either enlightened or ur not , ur either in the light or in the dark, ur either good or bad , thus or that, but what does all this mean and why does it matter so much? especially when we like having scapegoats to being social rest , or use each other for stepping stone to self success, how does that become our self imposed enlightenment? when we cheat lie defeat , when we strongly err, and we know that we can , say, systemically get away with it, who do we prevent from seeing this ? when we are the witness

when we trick others we blind ourself but not know it bc that’s the effect , to overdoing such a strong hardship and doesn’t start and stop with self only if it injected others , that’s why our actions have a mid if their own and that we can take great care, and let go the things that necessary to let go , and other things that are essential nutriments to our soul and a way to improve common grounds for each other which benefits us too as well , we can let go bad conduct , bad feelings and bad thoughts about each other and come together , regardless of how we feel about each other, to calm onto do great things , contest of which depends on how we got here, it’s easy to let things go in presence of justice , bc u know u will be compensated for the loss u incurred in some way, but not always can we get smth for what we lose, such as time and energy, for there’s no price ticket for these , as well as life that’s lost , which is in extreme cases, but we wish peace, and to have peace in authentic way is the true embodiment of enlightenment that feels ordinary bc it’s our true nature, and bc it’s also very sustainable and effortless once we reach it , sustainable means it can oscillate, and it also means that it can move forward, this represents things won’t always be peachy, that a presence of struggle doesn’t always mean ur revering back to prior either , but it can feel like it especially if u we’re in the dark for too long prior to it, u tend to cling onto virtue , bc u don’t rant to go back to darkness , all ur energy goes to feeding this internal fear instead , and bc u tire urself with over worry , u become lax in places that need focus and attention, or the oscillation causes us to flip back and forth between two objrdirves we are optimistic then we are pessimistic then we are optimistic again and then we are pessimistic , this is ok if it happens for a short while while we figure out how to utilise our fear , with its counter force , courage , but courage , it has many meanings , we can dwell there personally for wash persons may associate smth or other about it depending on the context of their own situation, her , both fear and courage represent a symbolic inter exchange, its ok if u feel fear and u can’t quell or let it go, u use courage anyway, which means that just bc ur excessively worried , that doesn’t mean ends all means for u, or that h may not be able to get out, u may even hear urself say, i will never achieve this , i will never be ok , this is it getting better , and at that point u pivot , u take it as a challenge , and apply the power of opposites in ur own favour, ofc here we meditate on meanings so that we do not run the error of being impulsive bc that too happens , humans r too clever sometimes , they wish to cheat the system any system hack into it , get ahead feel special and there’s reason for that , bc system tend to overgeneralize people, overlook details, criminalize them bc things seem to be thus or that way according to them, or do toxic things and then gaslight and shame people for falling g for it , ( systems have a arbitrary spiritus which thinks that by withholding info from people , they can allow people to reveal themselves from that not knowing so that system can determine whenever if ur good or bad , but this is false bc we depend on artificial system, so in a way, withholding info is akin to manipulation of what is, and then we end up becoming self fulfilling prophecies ) and nobody checks the system functionaries, they are cast aside as if they are hand of god or god itself which causes us false sense of enlightenment , and always at the cost of people when time comes to maintaining the facade malfunctioning machinery , people get lost in the grind of things literally

the hardest part about letting go is ur ego and pride , what sense of self we have prior developed, or overtime, we get older and more mature hopefully, while we retain our child like qualities, which complements our ageless soul quality, that’s also quite flexible that the more we learn and gain and the more we love doesn’t mean we run out of such, it only works to strengthen us in ways that we never knew before, the true finite sources are time and energy though, so the more we begin to get enlightenment we begin to value those more, and motive how most thjngs is waste of this, and while some of these we walls supported and maintained by systems, which go counter i thrive to our collective well being and inhibits us all in some spiritual way until it’s resolved, we change thjngs tho whenever we are confronted we cover things up, we give partial info that we know benefits us, we get too strategic and clever we recite strategies on how to fight , and recite and memories lies of virtue to complement our self righteousness, we e think these are enough to let the universe know of our self righteousness , bc we are attached too much to self and often is the hardest one to let go, this is almost the same as letting go ourself in terms of our narrative once we die, where everything human and human and worldly is released , where we only take the intermix meaning and basis , the presence is still there , the active fire within, and w get to practice this during our waking stage, it’s a matter of figuring how, not by artistic k ways, bc people do this, they either let themselves go, stop self love stop self care, and eve self health, or they commit xuicide which is another way of letting go, but these are not to be shamed, they are just symptoms of the environment that causes many unnecessary and in excess, which doesn’t mean that just bc someone actively lets themselves go? this same isn’t in a covert form, someone who hurts harms other as is reckless with mother earth is committing a different types of xuicide for the underlying element is the same except in the case of those who destroy everything around them, appears different based on by their identities and what they have to work with, if ur some joe u could go out there and be reckless , if ur function f a system, ur recklessness can be legal and even systemic , supportive in some way or other , maybe we can say ur responsibility committed xuicide and u can’t even recognize it bc u let go reason, as well as self discipline, these are avenues that help us during times of uncertainty, when we don’t wanna be certain on smth that we aren’t sure about, but bc material discrepancies differ, the biggest concern is when we are all maturing, but some of us have excess access to système that affects us all, and given by the factors that we haven’t reached total enlightenment on honouring each other and honouring ourself , for they are intertwined, too many bad things happen in dark, and by the time these occurrences reach enlightenment, we change the look of things the facade of system and by induction of same thing only differently, right when we are about to reach some type of turning point collectively, we turn way fro it or abandon it, but does it really go away, just bc we turn away from it ? maybe this time it will be different ? maybe we can afford one more error , cosmically? maybe we notice that we feel we want all in one lifetime instead of working with all and getting there together and even for the than our subjective minds , but that woukd be a conversation on personal pride , dominion , strong identification with self and greed , which is a symbol that we are attached to our current life and aren’t investing beyond it, that why we want all at any cost i casing others life , for our self, and think we can achieve this , bc we are intentionally turning f off the lights on our equality, or unity, while only using our connectivity to benefit ourself, which is where covetious ness, data augmentation and other “mind games “ and strategies come into play.


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