when u fight for other people

u won’t have many friends, first of all, u will make a lot of sense in a shorter time than any other, especially those who are experts, and then there are others who know some of it, and have been sacrificing the tortus in hopes to follow suit systemically, in wait, for a later payoff when the higher ups finally meet those objrdirves, so ur insulting a lot of people here, one aspect is that there is an agenda, and u have figured it out, u brown the games secret and exposed it, very much like the kid who cried the kind as naked, then illusion is disturbs, the delusions broken, now we can’t go back to sleep, the consciousness has now been expanded, we are still getting caught up with what all that means bc let’s face it, last four years have been nothing but crazy, and it’s not like we had it any better before it either, shit was already stinky, we just hoped that things were incrementally getting better, also bc there’s too much drugs in our products an aim pretty sure we probably had to go through some sort of fuckery thru it, and may still be part of that, sort of delirium, bc it’s very difficult to evade it, u could stay at a hotel and it may possess it, back then also , people did some fucked up shit in the name of science , and sake of these technologies and infastructure are still in place whereas we have lied in the histories if its truth, we said let’s white wash it, people of these years should not be stressed about such small matters , inconsequential bc we no longer practice it, but bc the infastructure is there, bc the system is there, it can be activated, and this sort of compelling , availabilities, bc there is no particular awareness to it, even though its victims live among us still, sow in the thick of it , it all takes a leader with the particular mindset who thinks their bad ideas serve the people whereas it serves special interests to cut corners, and appeal to ur masters, hence no one is free, we are bound by smth, which can be isola in , and rather depressing, even though success may seem, likely, that u may assume is enough to give one a good satisfying life, and we have any ways of getting there c to this lonely way of life , the victims for example are quite lonely, and some may say u choose this for urself after realizing the world isn’t shit, it’s bollocks , most everything in it is fake and bullshit, it seen sam crap day in day out, news, stories, speech, with very little to no movement that propels it , so that we too evolve within refreshed newer ideas, we can’t get there but be constantly given atrocities of the world instead, what the hell happened to brains plasticity? it’d not like we do not know the science, and so, with the acceleration of the last four years, and counting, as we also see incremental instability within systems, and more so , aversion among its inhabitants, another form of excess isolation , and accelerated aggression, among those members, whose truths are isolated, such as warmongers and those who conspire behind closed doors against welfare of humanity in general.

and then people , of having been extremely screwed up by systems, cannot be self disciplined, not at all times, what we mean is slow steady burn tend to last a longer imprint than those that happen in different rhythms such as those from ongoing wars to on and off wars with wider gaps between them, then there is poverty, so u get finacial crimes and abuses , traumas of all sorts taking place including the cheapest of all crimes which is when they get u sick, and then have u shuffle thru life assuming it was ur own biology, whereas u go thru hospitals , trying to fight for ur life, study, try to find out what u can change about ur life that can help improve, but on top of that ur also poor, so all odds stacking against u overtime also, bc ur not getting any younger either , and then one day u die, ur whole life is comprised of suffering , idc u have mastered the art of gratitude , but the torch is ur right , u just are not afforded any, bc it’s not u who is gwen’s e and cheap, not worthy of real investment but it’s them the true criminals who set themself apart u in the first place, then there are those in betweeners that support system so long as it benefits them, and assume ur the bad guys, bc the system is nice to them, so they assume u must be doing smth wrong, in which case u could, bc biology has it, that u can react easy when ur unwell versus when ur well and ur needs re met, it’s science folks, there is no secret about it, but there is a fine line of which comes first, and when looks are deceiving, bc they work to challenge our preconceived notions , we get tired of someone f time swelling in human matters and then overgeneralize or hang with one explanation, often exerted by experts; whose origin of development is quite fascinating and can be convo n g bc they tend to pair multiple outlets, but when we think of these outlets as unified, then things cohere, even when they publicly discourse, especially in strong opposition of each other.others who may sell u out at first chance they get and chances are if ur outspoken they will send u ur way some despairs folks who may need the money, which is quite bad, because it only works to divide us, and does lot offer long lasting benefit, but given that our issue re escalating its not difficult to see that this cold be our future soon, we are only in the middle of the forth year, it takes a decade for an era to turn a page, maybe that’s why they are extremely slow on all human matters c thereby slowly conditioning us on permanent changes? that they are not willing to tackle, while replacing the time with violence, what rich violence of any sort applies here, including neglect bc neglect is then worst, it causes anxieties, and a ton of concern, emotional upheavals bc of all the accompaniment of events , that are large as the world, and impact people, almost instanteniously , such as the economy, and the conditions in the streets , all the way to the folks who are losing their minds, and then those who are hired actors that stir shit where there need be none. those guys are pretty isolate too and they make choices that are irreversible, that further divide us, families are broken, due to domestic issues, everyone is jumping on board to do harm upon others as much as willing as they can do.

it’s scarier for those who were outspoken against system or those who are violent , bc then while ur displaced u also have to worry about those instabilities, u don’t now who u can truly trust , people are loopy at most times and it’s very difficult to find stability, home, shelter in others as we once were, as we used to be, people throw each other under the bus, or turn their backs on them c, be advantageous, and steal and take but never give back in return, they tend to be testy assuming that theirs is the only pain in the whole wide world, and everyone else must be the donkeys ass bc nothing can be cultivated about them, they are worthy only to die, lose and luck out, sooner or later, so much of this world is bullshit, it’s not fake that which u see , and feel with all ur being and senses, but its for so much excess, everything, that makes thing worse not better and has hardly been improved , but only got worse over time , some in slow , building , speed, momentum is bliss its often said, and others are quick , like a lightening strike , bam blam, just like that, we see changed, and there is not a thing about it, or is there , bc then hardly anything changes, it’s in our sense that smth must be wrong, that which momentarily halts us in our spiritual tracks to carefully examine smth from w much closer purview, not a general one from great distance that takes one to assume rather, but not all momentum’ are created equal , u can lead urself to ur own grave if ur not careful, and by that the death of the spirit, to remission, perhaps bc u may need to regain the basics about plant life or animal life before u gain the merit to try a hand at being human again, or maybe ur crime is too great , maybe the great separation has already took place , ur not going where we are going, u won’t be benefitting from our spiritual herd work, when this solar system ends, u will get what u deserve them, even though u can appropriate as a human, it’s still too small next to spirit, and this is the level of self isolation we need , so that we come to terms with the vastness of spirit versus our small human achievements, and then get a look at how wrong we have been? how bad we have done, and why we are not gonna be in control of matters of spirit , if we didn’t control the human first , that is body and its five senses. and those include anger as well as violence. again u can lie to people but it won’t matter , we are on our own journeys, so when we are good, we care about each other, we we already like attacks like , we will continue on the ofhteous path and go somewhere better when own of the bigger gravitational pull that is our solar system comes apart , shit will get interesting then, and again? those who lie to us, will have to sift thru their own lies to get themself out of their own conundrum, which can take a lot of time, they could be at another part of the entire in inverse , while we bask in bliss, and learn about newer better things, maybe we never meet again bc the universe is vast, and maybe they are the lesson, we are overcoming collectively, by remaining righteous, and true to self, as isolating as it may be, and it too can shorten ur life, they can try at killing u , but they are doing that either way when they choose not to like u .

people like to be entertained? who says, if u live ur life correctly u won’t need much from outside, bc ur living ur life in a fulfilling way, does this mean there won’t be singing and dancing and story time? ofc not , the way we are doing everything is wrong, so its no wonder why even those are bastardized, but we are too weak and drugged to realize it, and maybe we do but bc its convenient, we go for it, why not? it’s there ,and everyone does it, u wanna plug out and then u forget why u initially plugged out assuming habitual tendencies to keep watch n listen, then they say ofc people like to be entertainers, but originally it’s bc everything else is boring, ur not free, u work a job u probably don’t like , married the wrong girl or guy? shit sucks so u avoid each other mostly, ur relationship is one by circumference by then, u may even hate love each other instead which is highly toxic but ur used to it and good as dead anyway bc finances will have u bankrupt if u tried to escape , in some parts that’s the dude, in others that’s the lady, yet in others it’s both parties bc they were piss poor from the start , and in other parts it’s their mario that’s morally bankrupt . u hate watch shows , u hate watch politicians speak, everything is daunting to u, so u overeat to silence ur hat, and get fat or develop some illness like diabetes, but it gives u purpose, so u go to doctor they pay attention to u, they care , in truth ur craving the care , but its the only way to get it, and ur bar is low bc u don’t even know ur chasing it. they know what they r doing that’s why there’s all kinds of sophisticated medicine that will keep u in the limbo it won’t fix things either but it will keep u alive for a little , while it continues to collect data about ur progression , and this helps with the future of medicine, and then maybe at times chunks of u go missing, maybe there is a decision , a consensus that ur up next on the chopping block, for another major surgery, so once ur in it’s very difficult to get out of it that it’s hard to tell if medicine is helping at all, but it does help some, just not always, bd there is all this special favouring, much like strong flavouring among us, who assume that the same laws apply to us all equally? and u can either take this as a scary realization or , a scary relation. bc u could be spared today, and tomorrow , it could very well be ur turn. u go to the bars on the weekend, and waste time with frivolous fun, that goes nowhere, where the real action is to do smth vital about life, yes or otherwise , everyone else’s, for a good cause that u know will pay back in dividends if u ever need such help, knowing full well that what gets normalized out there , becomes all too common, and so is with our rights too, and behaviour, human behaviour is what comprises culture, things get “germinated” hence the word “culture”, and this is much like pollination in a field of different species, and who start to have this phenomena of acting like a colony of bees , feeding off each others most commonest actions, but where these influences come from is a bigger question.

u can fill ur life with lots of crap, useless crap, and think that’s freedom or success but it’s crap that has u bound by house full of crap that when shit hits the fan u won’t be able to pack up and go right away, u will be like well what about my crap. and then u will look at ur crap and see the sentimentality of it, u begin to ration in ur mind, how ur crap makes u more than u make more out of ur own crap, maybe also because we are not sufficient in efficiency in term of our habits and general psychology, if u notice bad behaviours are often promoted, that’s when we say people need their smh, but when it’s essential, the most obvious factors, such as food and shelter, or something to have faith in, or passion and purpose for smth greater than urself, such as working for un, or help people with nothing in return, or change the world for better, bc u know it’s the trees that are planted today that count for tomorrows people, but ur too busy with ur crap instead, sometimes ur made to feel this urgency, life is all about getting uprooted bc “shit happens” does it? then how come good shit never happens, why is it always the bad shit or limbo, what they can afford for u, that happens which they see as good shit bc they see u as cockroaches in the first place? how did we get here? maybe we got too secular in our beliefs and motifs of passion and purpose , that we refer to our in social equity but do not consider others as our equals? then ofc we will end up elsewhere once this solar system ends, i have no doubt about it, so maybe the lesson here is that u can’t save everyone, and some people, although they will or can or may but they , will not come to where we are headed next, for our hard work and effort, is not wasted, and the righteous path is hard for good reason, and only made to be hard by hard headed folk who are too stupid and insistent on their way only, and also , bc anyone can be an asshole, the seed is there for us all, and we can all be selfish and provision freedom, or our rights only, even tho it’s blatantly on others losses, but self control is a thing, though it seems rather isolated, perhaps bc it gives us glimpse into the mechanism, that some roads have to be taken on alone, which especially starts with each individual , as occurs within, so that we can give up this terrible habit of lying all the time, and get real with what is , it could change everything, and for a good cause, our collective welfare ! with that said, take chances but don’t be a dumb ass and break rule and laws bc they are always looking for recruitment for various industries and are looking to elaborate on any cheap thrill to delve into it so as to man it come thru, as opposed to change things for good, somewhere along the way we took a wrong turn , just ethical science alone gives us great isight as to what sort of work we have to deal with, but we can look at its long time rival religion as well, both are to be blamed for where the issues lie , but ofc these are just tools, a systems that are designed to help humanity, of soul and body, but, idc its humans that make the place, and its humans that will their power, to direct these objectives thus we must change the human if we want the absolute benefit here.


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