when u think frequency

words don’t matter, but words are impactful in that they may incite particular associative feelings, and memories that also are invoked, the trigger, as we say, is smth of a mystery, a phenomena that we willingly ignore, so that we can proclaim we do not know and in addition to that, we pair this not knowing with absolute certainty about objrdirves outside of our scope, the words become stationary , like mere objects, heavy, and they tend to drag as well, bc it’s not just one objective but the relative surrounding it also get invoked, their concomitance is often relevant to the now moment, which is where the real mystery is at and why we haven’t figured out how to properly back for further greed and individual competitiveness at the cost of others wellbeing. but we try, and as with all objrdirves, we come to a halt with everything that’s inconsistent with higher powers, and what truly is, n it what we wish for it to be, ofc, when we think frequency, the energy is quite clean, its efficient as its delivered at the speed of light, versus all the holographic images words invoke, and memories stir along with complex set of feelings that are in conjunction with each other, sort of like keys that are in disarray, hence the essentiality of figuring ourself out, at a frequency level, beyond perceivable world that’s strictly limited to five senses, although they are important, they alone only overgeneralize , whereas the many layers of our lives offer a kaleidoscopic purview, which we tend to make stationery with certainty that the hierarchical developments have merit, let alone coherence or meaning, effortless and rythmes with what is, no it goes against it! bc it believes that rebellion against anything that runs counter to its interest is the enemy, whereas the absolute certainty is what kills, here it’s often said u can be one or the other, but not both unless u managed to merge and then seen thru the unity of the eye consciousness, that is not the material eye per se, but the third eye, is a strict representation of how all other senses, the most subtle ones, form alliance and coherence with the most simplest ones such as the base chakra root chakra heart chakra and so on, and then is projected outwardly, in terms of absorbing of the frequencies rather then the eye that sees , the brain that processes data, the mind that coheres the heart that feels and so on, why this matters is clear, the more fine and quality perception we have , the less likely that we will be triggered, bc we have simplistically digested what is, when the greater efficient relies on quality ingredients , often what throws us off is not natural occurrences , but what is assumed as alright, or have become normalized , due to the stationary nature of objrdirves and the illusion of stuff

a common mistake we make is that we are assured others know best especially based on by the hierarchies development and the many layers that come together for the proper function of our reality, in truth, there is greet diversion that occurred already, bc there was never a unity in the prior state of collective consciousness, only that we wish to portray the assimilation into that which has prior established in order to extricate or take advantage of the order of information, that is not only known as a priority, but implemented based on by one’s ability, that seems to set the pace, in accordance to what has developed materially, in the events that took place.c but their order was not according to natural laws, as we see , in terms of how we perry them”” in words and how these words tend to create the reality “” in which we think , its mechanism, and assume understanding of, but while not considering the great mystery, unfolding before us, simultaneously, that which we assume to be separate or cast off, the shadow we dominate , the potential of murkiness of waters that we take opportunity of, via trust of words, that contradict the general coherence based on by what was in prior established, without this compliment being alive, coming to full purview? and in absolute presence, we miss a great chance of directing consciously , our collective horizon, in the best result that it may offer us, but not now fully, since we are now fragmented c and still oscillate between light and dark, without of having figured out a proper use of both, in alliance of powers rather than constant opposition. the latter obviously extricates too much energy, and causes us much suffering which at first we may see as very small, like a pebble in ur shoe which at first u say nah it doesn’t bother me but after given time that pebble feels like a boulder, it does not permit u to walk with ease, and the sense we develop while issues are small, it’s best to tend to them, but we do see why we have so much trouble, in our hearts and our minds which is lest based on by those i visualized triggers, a contradiction to otherwise of a flow of consciousness that was meant to run with ease, not get stuck and pool in stationary objectives and get constricted and or cut off, let alone be misused which diluted its process, makes it dirtier, crude and causes much pollutants around it, without this level of sensitivity, we cause all kinds of fog in the atmosphere which obstructs our purview, from our indivisible path to that which is collective, bc we do not speak from the heart of matter and appear as we are, but with cautious strategies, often meant to emphasize anxiety in people for reliance on objectives seem to be unavailable on the global purview at this time, whereas a lot of “occurrences “ are taking place in the silent, dead of night behind closed doors, on matters that concern a lot of people but there is that abject certainty, insistent on its way, over the break through from the collective jail that we wake ourselves upon in, we are triggered bc nobody likes to be wrong, with open hear consciousness however the humility becomes the lesser o the path of overcoming such afflictions , no matter how impersonal

along the lines of what constitutes as love is the strict adherence to frequency above all, bc love cannot be intellectualized although it can be made practical in reason of thought but also while considering the elements of flexibility that which we cannot possible translate in full dialect the content of such presence, but in reality we do everything but, in looking at system we do a lot of things short of fine perfection and often our excuse pairs sorry we can’t help it this is all we can do , and in that which we can do, is strictly limited by the notion of higher ups who say what can and cannot be done, in doe cases we are ordered strictly to lie, we think this benefits the person, who receives such help, in cases of such hierarchies where hierarchies are strictly misunderstood, we often become mechanical, the anti thesis to love, and when confronted , we have to lie to other , and to ourself next bc when the guilt in conscience arises, as it does for everyone, much like any other , time, where we may feel or experience the multiplicity of forces that catalyze things, we must override this natural process , but it won’t stop there it spreads like an illness when we are not aware of the full process and then change our way, this may impair our intuition, where our intuition develops to cater to further betrayal and forgery, as well as fraudulent behaviours just bc “something is outside of ur self control” , in the world of love incorporated, leave it to the machine to determine how u dan love each other, in public setting, toward groups, entities, backgrounds, tradition , layers and layers of human condition and the types of existences that are very diverse, background of which rely on belief, and are propelled by many different triggers, and insight, as well as wisdom gained, at heart, which cannot be lost, only be dorment until conditions are right, but this doesn’t mean that we are incapable of conscious love, but we are misled and are influenced , under the influence means lacking of power and control which is common and is easy to mistake for true love,

it’s not that we can copy, the app race in words, thru text, we can study, and understand from the technical purview given objectives, much like our perception of self experience, which is all we know, and the relevance can leave lasting effect, until the events lead us to what’s next, this process allows us to really take a look at what we think we know versus what is, for example u can see ur old pictures from ten twenty years ago and been those from six months ago may feel like these are otherworldly, and have a particular frequency to them , that when one is relaxed in their senses can get the frequency as it is, like a lightening strikes the mind, and all of a sudden all is illuminated , here , in the illumination of what is, no shadow no hidden objectives, in a place that was in prior poorly lit, so now our eyes are being fooled at what is bc we do not recognize what we are looking at, and are poorly trained in our senses to determine at the heart consciousness what is all that which we suddenly are overladen with, a rush almost always pairs the overs under of information hence the name “flow” versus being too linguistic, thinking to much, what did i see, its often said in tests where u have multiple answers questions u can actually intuit the correct answer without knowing much the subject or only knowing by association or relevance, same with reading and new words that which u can offer experienced guess by relativity and invocation of what the unfamiliar word brings , that allows u to base a deduction of reason that follows, here, u are already training, but in the opposite direction to what is, and complete anti thesis to what is deemed efficient, bc there are the types of developments that assume self success but always at the cost of others losses incurred along the way, which happens thru the stationarieness of the reality, that is not only designed to effect such, but continues to deny, all the while continue to advance of such division and opposition regardless to the overproduction of negative side effects, we are separating ok the way to things that we think pollution world with material garbage won’t harm us bc we close our door and look away, since we rely on “out of sight therefore out of mind” mindset, mechanically

but ofc at esch interval we take a great chance and the stakes only get higher until the equalizing balance takes place, for regardless to how much further we e wish to trek out of path, there seems to be a pull back effect that cannot be countered, but it’s time depends on the collection of all everything, that also come apart and then get back together, unless the co efficiencies offer greater support , this can take many lifetimes, one of life’s greatest insult would be that we may assume we are doing right things and continue to insist and persist on our certainties only to have the illusion be pulled away, and the we notice . we were adhere if to wrong objectives this whole time, in the collective sense , that contains all lives , born , and yet to be born, we have greater concern of this efficacy and occurrences which determines our next home , wit the love frequency being of great importance here, and with other fréquences , lit, with subtle tones in between , that multiply and allow us to evolve, can offer us some leeway of power of choice, and ability to intuit, a greater conduct on our past, as versus what’s mechanically proffered and offered , bc we , in prioritizing the material world, tend to say life is unfair, it is what it is, it can’t be changed, u can’t be a good person with pure soul and be successful at the same time, let alone maintain ur fools luck, if u eve by pass the gate keepers, if u notice smth bad and speak up, u can lose ur luck or have it be dispossessed , and have hard labour be weaponized instead, with greater risk upon one’s health , that accompanies poverty conditions , that are often spoken with compassion in company of others, especially by those who can do things, but then when doors close, the conversation changes, bc at the same time, this same condom is being actively weapons led and there are ton of investments to maintain its appeal, since love incorporated causes us delusory states of what charity and goodwill means , and how this attributes to our individual soul process, an outcry may become repetitive indeed, and at times it’s necessary to refine and save mental space, by letting nature so its own ration and organizing , as well as “compression” which requires trust in ur self, trust in ur natural system and continue to deepen ur alliances with natural forces, not people, or humanistic basic ideas, as we see, a loss of heart causes people all kinds of instabilities such as lose faith, lose hope and lose reason for the two influences it until u become fully self aware and thus present effortlessly, and be well with what is, in its relation to good and bad , comprising the many entails which are diverse ans maybe fragmented , bc we internalize process and are thus left to do the clean up of the triggers until it reaches us vital lesson, and skill set , to efficiente ourselves, naturally, without giving too much into stationariness of “opposition” bc it self cannot survive without our “constant response to it”


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