to handle sensitive material

is like holding a feather in between ur finger tips, u still need firm grasp, do as to not lose the feather to the wind, but also gentle, where not a single strand of it is being touched or harmed , as u notice, in handling a feather , u caress the feet her much like ur hair or a pet , u don’t just grasp it by the strands, if u do so, u notice immediately the moisture and power from ur palm is gonna distort its shape, albeit temporarily, this doesn’t exclude potential that u could ruin it. with sensible matters. we do very much the same, for if we were in paid tent with our process then there are cuts and breaks, in the case of the feather , if the wind temporarily seizes it , u run after it , maybe that day the breeze is ur friend, but this is a disruption and sides not exclude the fact that u could lose the feather entirely, especially if it lands on the river. being on top of the matter concerning , what’s at hand , requires the same d’éducation as if we see holding a feather, and we notice , there are two options we can take when we hold a feather , as well as the issue at hand, we say well what if the bird is diseased in that case u think , it maybe of smth that can penetrate the top of ur finger , and may create side effects, but this could be just do u seize the moment to ensure there is not danger c in ur hand not bc u may in the case of the issue , let things go entirely, unless the moment calls for it, for the feather , u may not be in the close pricing to wash off ur hand say if the bird is diseased and there maybe a bigger conflict, bc sometimes we do get that extra stuff we immediately may not see , or right away, bc our ways of handling last events is not the same as where we collectively are right now, especially after covid there is strong acceleration towards a rather existential attitude, that runs through us, we are awakening for sure, and this may also be due to the aquarius age, that we may feel compelled , to do, but not know how to do , and become hasty with the process, bc the issue is of messy in nature, and we also know when we realize smth , especially when it’s uncomfortable and is true, it gives us a strong side effect, thereby causing us to adjust our sails in accordance with handling these issues, usually if the side effect is greater we have to stop what causes it, and then tend to the issue as best as we can, but we don’t wanna mistake giving up an opportunity for good change , by simply strong avoidance of discomfort, discomfort may arise due to inherently and the fact we are wired to think in existentialism

a thing can be changed only by combining their relationship to an external something, which is a germination process that allows for such arising, which also includes arising of uncertainty, and that can cause strong side effects especially if they go prolonged, these side effects can reflect to our thought processes which affect our actions, and how we choose for objrdirves to turn a particular thinking process into action, there’s a lot that happens under our crown, than we like to say or make seem, but we are aware that there is a mechanism there and a correlation to spirit, as well as the body, ur body may produce stress signals in the case of paranoia or excess worry, especially paranoia comes form strong uncertainty , maybe ur detectors were picking up on a signal itself cannot recognize bc the signal itself is in rogue mode, its objrdirves is to go undetected, and as u notice this, ur reaction only raises concern bc of its nature , that which u can’t see, but feel as internally there, which impacts ur mechanism in some way by simply being there due to germination process, matters , because we take our germination process which is interlinked with the environment and others and project the results among us, in the same way every person has their particular mechanism and process that is established and then it gains momentum, in continual waves ebbs and flows of growing change , and further germination process, which can grow out to great heights and proportion bc we need to treat our common shared atmosphere as a entity, bc itself has provided a collective soul, and has a process of its own as much we do , as individuals and in relationships with each other. in the event that we are trying to decipher smth, we are creating the addition into that atmosphere, bc itself is one entity, the information of the experience will be stored there regardless to our realizing of it , ofc one of the ways to be during intense emotion is to be sensible, and many times we think well no that’s just not possible, bc the reason why we edge is bc of the absence of peace in the first place, while we can use de escalation as a means to evade a situation from getting worse.c we still have a negative we must mitigate and restore, bc of the potential of issues getting heightened , or causing vital energy that could have gone elsewhere but didn’t , it went here instead,

and here, one of the sensibility we can recognize in some n of our common issues is to recognize that we can’t be too hard on ourself and each other , bc excess criticism of the sort can be inhibiting , but at the same time, recall the issues and be more concise about their true nature, u would be interested in any topic if u remove , the guilt associated with the stigma rather then the actual issue at hand , and all this is bc u feel inconvenienced. bc then u will look bad in the eyes of the public, and maintain ur image more so, where there is a truth for that, since we are expected much more, in terms of output, whereas what is given back in return of our efforts does not cover all, in fact, it incrementally makes things worse.c it seizes grounds, and then u adjust after brief period of “getting out of alignment within ur own inner axis”, we think there are checkmarks, perhaps because we let go, haphazardly, we couldn’t face things, times were different back then versus where we are right now, and times of future kind will also differ, and a lot of our habits tend to last longer, but they are also altered, we have choices , one of them should include avoiding rookie mistakes, in the wake of our consciousness, by being receptive and perceptive to what others have to offer. this may differ from person to person bc each experience differs , sometimes we give into excess likeness that we miss the essence of smth, bc of what this may trigger from within, and it’s true , that we have such responsibilities as to reconfine these occurrences but if they are produced due to unrecognized rouge content, and say, we simply couldn’t decipher it , would this then be its strong side effects ?but if we err the world won’t end, it’s just a ways of “handling sensible materials.” which starts from our own, but does not strictly limit us to our own process, bc we are part of all, and can welcome peering from each other, rather than the stigma of either inner dialogue of much ridicule whereas on the outside either appear as nonchalant or of u have noticed, use factory settings of a simple human behaviour as ill side to ur turn concealed thought process bc this can cause within us a split personality,

but more so than a personify being halved, it’s more like thought process that’s contradictory, this much is expected bc our natural process can detect things both in the dark end light so we have experience in navigating ourself thru the dark, and that happens at night time when our consciousness explores dream scopes in our sleep, doesn’t matter if we recall them or not, we go somewhere and do smth, it’s not the void where we “ simply do not exist “ we just don’t have the chance to recall them for one purpose or other , but it’s part of us, so we take this experience when we try to decipher the one that happens artificially in broad daylight which is what throws off our mechanism that’s otherwise wired naturally to detect these already in our sleep, also we may wish to break down the artificial happenstance, are they propelled with intention by the efforts of others ? or are they arising naturally, as a byproduct of the faulty environment that produce these negative side effects bc they are not congruent and have strong contradictions within its framework, these cuts and breaks within our framework does affect us bc our environment and our relationship to it is a sensible matter, even though at times it doesn’t appear to be bc we are grown accustomed to it so strongly, that we do not notice it, in a way u can say we have blind side in broad daylight, perhaps bc of the strong side effects causing during daylight hours artificially or with intent of others, let’s delve into the intent of others , what causes those strong side effects? we must not be too critical of their shortcomings, but still be honest and direct c and also notice that we must also nurture the atmosphere we share, for it is one, and contains it, thereby we may be able to recall and detect it’s precise location, how did this happen, why did this happen, what else is this connected to c how does that correlate,? what can be done about it to minimize its effects and perhaps evade smth like this from happening, perhaps what we want to do is make sure where we place “ what sort of thing are being discussed as to what happened” , as there are material things that happen but there are also inner processes that happen, o comprising of our decisions taking shape and form, which is why it matters the correlations are considered , as we must not compartment use it, or cut off its parts simply bc it causes us discomfort everyone it is brought to our attention, either by our cognizance or by others efforts, whether they know or do not know of what they do matters only secondarily here

bc what we are trying to do is not to antagonize someone , that does us no good, ridicule , mockery, do not correct the original issue, to correct the original issue , where there is or maybe a lack, we need to determine what this refers to, and how it applies so that we can work a plan or a way to reimburse the loss or the lack, whatever instability that it caused about, in its effects bc the issues multiply to greater heights bc then we tend to lose our way and we aren’t quite there yet in terms of rouge detection, but we have been practicing and as the issues continue to accelerate in the world , we may get better or worse bc of the amateurs among us can apply too much pressure without noticing how exactly sensible the matters have become , especially during heightened times. people get inconvenienced in the face of emotionless hard data not bc the data is igniting this in u but u are by refusing to get comfortable with what arises in u, also bc u may only be an amateur in this arena but in another arena u are a expert within ur field, yet we get perplexed to compare and compete as well as acquire what we deem as absolute best for us, in a way our conceptualized version of , systemic survival ability , seems to have took over our authentic more organic version of it, where we machinate these in rather systemic way, and that causes us the instability of the natural which is not quite developed yet c not because we abandoned it, but bc there is great diversion of the way we live, we can easily flip flop between objectives , just bc we deem as all of a sudden not worthy of acknowledgment , or use the power of the next new day to our advantage , either to do good with it, or use ambiguous theories , in order to generate arenas of moving in silence, in a rouge way, in broad daylight , among others, and not get noticed , in our efforts, since we must to an extend be aware of then wrong we do, but somehow along the way we have had to make the error that the wrong we do must be or has to be justified , but we may keep this secret if the degree by which the wrong we did , supersedes , the size of the excuse we give to cover it, perhaps bc not all wrongs are created equal, that’s why they must individually be analyzed,


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