the continual process is change

some can be altered, while others countered, u can also control a process of given change , and assume i have 100 percent control over it, but the tiers is, there is organic, within the space? the mutique of our pure presence, that does not always grant us control over it, thus past is our soul spirit, the one that is here for reasons bigger then ones individuality , but there are flips on the road, what appears to be a unity aspect here may not be so, when we depart fro the world, as inn, we must at all times be together and respawn down here else , much like this one, bc we don’t have that type of information to base our assessment since we are living thru our life as we speak. u would wonder, should we control change, and what attribute to it that we can control in the first place, would there be more subtle versions of this , plus, what does absolute control mean anyway? perhaps , for some control is to “ get what u want “ and here what we want can be anything , from people to things , to going to particular places, and having those of attitude and approach to world and life, that facilitates , a responsible being, that is easily perceived by external sources, or , control, is self awareness, it’s ur pure presence, it’s the inner space that is aware of the mutique, and does not try to manipulate or direct it, it may be sufficient to say, we do need a degree of action, that does guarantee us “ what we want” unless that which we want is too subjective in nature or for wrong reasons, when the latter two are present we may think we get parts of this, what we want ,but may need to tweak its pasts so that what we want aligns with higher values, and here, what we want is to be part of meth bigger then us, that congruently moves us towards our collective decision which automatically benefits the individual . to control is to change in the first place, but as we take a look at the world, we may notice which areas we are superficial at, and what areas we truly need to have particular presence for apportée change so that we can control our “ situation” better. here, our situation can be anything, from personal flailing to interpersonal relations to all the things that we do, and this includes our decisions that have a internal process, much like a “ background pass” to o restricted zone, where we only are granted the keys, only if we are responsible, or else, what we refer to here is the origin of looking up at the stars for proper guidance, though at first sight we may need to figure out how to move our way thru it , which takes effort as well as development do the skill set necessary for the intuitive process to take root, which doesn’t always mean intuition is on point, i’m bc it is meant to work with us and based on by our ability to perceive, not a magic trick or magic wand that just makes things alright.

and because we are “ apt to change” with the mystique element of coming here for a cause much bigger than oneself that helps others and also this helps one as well,, this becomes self evident in the results of all that we do, we may notice the flaws therein, and to save face . bc the alternative to meeting an objective head on, would be to convince oneself of its opposite , u are looking for reasons for anything but improvement c bc the improvement does not seem to relate to what u have constricted within urself, and that’s refusal to change particular areas of our life thereby resting in superfluous changes as intimate paradigm shifters even though we don’t even know nor can determine what a paradigm shift would look like , in its perceivable form, after which we go through series of processes both in and out of our self control, and control among each other. we can say control does exhilarate the senses bc it facilitates change where there has been stagnation present , much like limbo states where things do not move forward deny further than they have , and they go backwards, only enough time given then gravity will have its way, often here our perception is that things disintegrate, ke they crumble or they fade or they get old and decay, and all these are bc of the perceivable world within the perceivable universe that’s available for human senses, but is not limited to absolute truths, only relative since this is what we have to work with, all the while we accept the core truths, bc what is truth but not a fact or a factor that completes and or comes into play to composite, thru which we not only base our understanding but further develop thru it, which shows us also that we are forming alliances with truths, though in facility of change , regardless of the great control exerted , there needs to be room for errors that are also easy to make, especially when we are dealing with absolutes which is where “there’s are often transient “ but they also have lasting effect on the experience of human kind, since the factor they carry these truths are not destructible, although formidable , they too go thru many changes , which contribute to our continuity of process , a reason for taking things not for granted, applies here , as we as valuing every struggle, since this can allow us, another form of alliance that propels good change and facilitate the efficiency , that teach us how to tend to it , bc the change itself, the greater of all conditions, the line between earths atmosphere and space, die shave a point of no return, they which we can no lounger access nor control, not from our human purview , but also strongly correlated to where we are headed, in human term, from here on forward.

we often look for wrong types of change, we want to change someone .or change ourself, we want to chafe the way we dress or eat, we change the way we do things, or look at people, we change that to9c u may like someone and then u suddenly don’t, or u don’t like someone but now take them fancy, someone u may never forgive , all of a sudden looks fresh, and someone u believe don for ever suddenly drops face , and u may go in about such frivolous changes, and ur absolute changes, these are truths that are subjectives , these are the ones that may or may not apply to all, but all others are true , that can’t be denied which require us to get on the same page, which is where we do not change, bc we work bc we work to change the small things , often frivolous and fleeting but add win the work is done, and expect nature to do its thing, which it does but it every much like determine who u are or else the word will determine it for u, that u may need to be present with what’s going on and make ur choices accordingly, and in control, the control of self here is paramount. th discernment here does require clarity huh? u notice now that wherever u insert urself in, thru the lens of clarity, must not be mistaken for absolute , but expanded well beyond the initial scope , therefore developed, contemplates upon, its not smth that forms all on its own or right away, not in a conscious direct way, it still develops though, bc of the concomitance of truths that hold a thing together, and there is a starting point for this universe, its the big bang theory.but there seems to be a prior, it’s via this understanding that we relieve ourself from absolute control, even though certain degree of control has to be established and maintained. if we are extremes a lot of control, and say it’s too much too rigid and too , over powering, then we don’t suddenly stop this control, bc this can set us off to all kinds of disarray since we can not function all of a sudden on the objectives that require a prior established , this is akin to controlling people, and then suddenly releasing them into the wild , or on their own, where they are not prepared to handle such conditions , which may require different skill set , for cooperation , for common goal but they too overtime develop a particular skill set , except it comes with a ton of losses, surely inclusive of self there is truth there, as there is nothing wrong with change of that sort but we take frivolous change and superfluous change and take that for the absolute , or sufficient all the time ,

we know for instances rehabilitated animals are not related haphazardly into the wild, we take good care of every step of diligent thought and execute controlled behaviour, we do this to patients who come out of the hospital after major surgery but hardly prior to it , we have this meridian acceptance and that’s strictly in the west , that human beings are spoiled little brats who need to be babied all the time, much so in any other excessively developed world, this holds true, to be catered to, and the right words have to be used, we get relaxed into such a fantasy world where there is ease, but it’s secularly induced, there is no ease outside of safe space, where when we consider the whole world, we notice the sudden form of control, and how all this secular control forms are connected to each other , via their controlled relationship, of dos and donts, or wills and wonts, and those are other types of uncontrollable beings who then must be controlled by being kept poor, bc this stops them of the potential of conflict, perceivable from own particular angle , the industrial military complex, and those surrounding it, then u have to control the food supply, and the flow of information, u may need to control how ammunition needs to be manufactured at particular time, and used, accordingly to meet the goals and needs of secular truths, not the objective, where it applies or we coordinate ours led with, bc that would be alliance in the cosmic form, where we are getting the necessary experience to translate that thru our system form. the green house effect seems to be real, we do not want the cosmic food, we reject it or hope willfully to not tske , any more , if we did in the prior, perhaps we want to evolve past the world , and there is truth in to at, but we are going about it in rather frivolous way, we say, well im gonna shoot to the moon bc the sky is the limit and the universe is endless so is with time bc i seem to have wasted it.

though ofc bc our life and experience is so personal and direct , we may think, that our control of the situation is to simply accept it, and to say well i wanted this , or i did this, or this happens for greater cause, or i survived this, or this empowers me, surely any sort of controlled situation gives us control, for example system can poison u , and get cancer but u beat it after much struggle, and say that’s empowering, or look at it this way, system invests in u, u go to college or university, which is hard to do but u overcome it, bc u applied ur mind and will urself to get thru it, and now i got a great job that rewards u in multitudes and ur giving back to society, and u feel empowered, so there are many paths , to it, though choice is a fickle factor, who is chosen to be born under such controls of all is pre determined? ah , and we see such pre determination, or destiny, for example we are destined to die , period, there is no discussion about it, though doesn’t matter , if we are destined to die soon or later, or this or that way, the destiny is that we are on the way towards it, the process of death, we also have destiny within destiny, of may layers and experiences, some of which cannot be altered bc they rely on external causes and conditions , some of which are facilitated by todays people, others by yesterdays people, and some others have took place over course of many eons, ah so a bit of discomfort complete the grounds we are on, but this is hard to achieve if we think there is a set destination here in one life, surely we can have a set plans, or people, or experiences, though a set destination often complements retardation of a process much like when we say i know everything then learning stops bc one is no longer receptive to new, and profound of the changes present in nature, as well as that mystical place of ambiguity, we say well i don’t need more friends , i don’t need new experiences .but here, we may delve deeper into each word, what is experience ? is it the motion of body that has apparence of “going somewhere?” accomplishing “something”, anything maybe , it doesn’t matter, so long as we experience things and “ get smth from it” but we can’t exactly shape what experience entails or what its purpose is? what does experience taste like, is it while ie here do why u can bc yolo and u won’t feel this once u return to the void, with what established basis can we be reckless here to that extend ? and what if we are wrong,


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