how to create a system that divides the people?

first of all, u would need illusion of lack, as u may need to ration, and cause priority of some over the welfare of others, and often at the cost of others welfare, that who so ever is next in line, to acquire their turn, sometimes these turns take long , because there are interdependences, more than just one, especially when things expand, and there are see regulations by the systems themselves since itself is a guarantee for those who can afford it, u would need to create a basis, if u made mistakes, it’s easy to ignore it because , in the mass of events where hardly anything changes, but when change comes ; it impacts everything, u can easily forget or lose track of objectives bc there is only so much our consciousness can expand and move towards, this doesn’t mean we do not recall, since the experience that’s had hardly ever leaves the person, but adds to the repertoire of perception that makes us form associations and establish our individual grounds, ofc the idea is that our common grounds is equal; which is where the idea comes from, how do we create a system that divided people, and maintain this divide bc its existence depends on this maintenance of divisiveness, it gives us hope, purpose and struggle that teaches us that pain is not only valid , it’s essential to one’s being and development , but we just don’t know how much pain is applicable and how much is useful, it’s almost as if down if it is excess so it teaches nothing and if it ever were to reach anything n, it teaches in negatives, as in don’t trust anyone, don’t trust the system. it’s better to be wrong in thinking someone needs to be tested before they can be trusted than run the risk of trusting wrong people, for betrayal seems to run along the lines for maintenance of division among the people. the other side of the spectrum is that there are those who especially need to feel some degree of discomfort so not feels this , especially when it tends to grow into greater heights and even greater proportions bc it’s akin to refusal to acknowledge one’s own part within the manifold and rise responsibility for it, so it grows and begins to spread, affect like an infection, as divisiveness can cause in us, be its much like a wound, a cut, that constantly gets picked at , thereby hardly heals. and if it must heal, its only short term, for immediately the avenues for division begin to re appear, perhaps because the system, after having established its grounds and covered up its tracks must compensate for those errors that go under radar , in the public square via distractions, but here we may think a distraction is merely an illusion or a trick but here two things can be real and true arms we can have two errors, for a distraction can be akin to inspiring the quote, two birds one stone.

ofc the systemic division must be maintained and bc of this priority we have internalized this division , we think we must choose between objectives , we must not and cannot remain as we are, as akin to being quiet, being taken by the system that functions to assume its palpability, or silent confirmation, or conformity, or forgetfulness, or mere stupidity, its hard for us to merge especially stark objectives, such as states of being in between doing, that we may easily contradict ourself and not really quite see it, we are too well trained that the division in the system is real and must either be true or must be maintained at all times for our own survival depends on it , perhaps we see they there is finite objectives and this may give us the priority of surviving self above all others bc we do not notice that two things can be true, that u can evolve in terms of he own personal basis and established values akin to ur own skill set and allow others to do the same in their own terms so long as the unsocial and co operated terms and conditions do not implicate others needs and concerns , but often we are too lazy in places where we need to take great care, bc wha the division does is to do a complex thing but only in a sloppy way, but u see also that the maintenance of such requires great care as in enough energy is experienced to maintain its appeal and u do this by hiring others bc u urself would not want those tasks upon urself, they are miserliness, depressing parts of life, the heavier the pain the higher the threshold of buffering oneself to counter its effect because we are permeable in that we do feel intensely even when we may feel an inner split, in part because we do jot wish to get caught assuming, upon smth that we do not know of very much, for we may already awakened our senses for what consequences such errors could bring with it, and a lot of trouble often is hard to direct in a world that’s already at one big contradiction with itself, about itself and affects all its inhabitants as a results of such, in terms of the balance between the man made and the natural laws and systems for example. next , the issues will eventually adapt , and here , adaptation often means that people conform to a natural type of unity, mindset of which coordinates itself toward cooperation and comfort, but with subtle undertones of dormant , unresolved, subconscious psychological occurrences based on by the discrepancies of the past which have their chance at reconciling often , early on, but which we may either deny or reject , in our self split self due to systemic insistence on keeping us collectively divided, even get wedged between us and our true self, our relationship to our bodies, how we are and wishes to be perceived by others and what that contributes to our betterment ,

now when we stop and then we notice the way the system has great impede on our lives is that much of everything can be attribute to brain washing or some form of training that requires manipulating the senses , so that the person almost acts from the centrality of that, more so than ur personal centre, if anyone achieves the latter, it’s rare, and quite difficult to maintain at first bc the establishment of such grounds run counter to systemic division, and must continually mature and adapt bc systems do not remain the same.c they change all the time , sometimes slowly and then all at once, at times its influenced by natural occurrences , other times, we run counter to nature because we wish to dominate it, or we deny it, or we are fear minded on objectives we feel otherwise pessimistic towards and while a degree of concern is healthy, too much can also be debilitating and can cause a ton of issues within the provisions which we see heighten today,, we can say that period, it’s best to unite our selves in our heads and hearts the same and then notice the crookedness in the ways, and then correct them as we walk the way, collectively and individually , which will eventually inspire the systems to notice, bc the act of change , that facilitates the right direction often accompanies a careful realization that which might have either been asleep or have been denied access to bc the initial recognition has left strong imprint in the minds and hearts of the observer that now are impacting the way they are operating the groined , thru which one might refer to this sort of phenomena as a very silent form of projection, more so than, owns cautious intention, upon which one wishes to manifest and maintain , bc one has considered a a priority , the flexibility of being potentially erroneous in one’s perception, that contributes to one’s decision making , but here too, when we think too much , we may miss the essence of that which an otherwise “ maintain “ the momentum on the journey, regardless to what requires “ summoning “ for the contribution to resolve.

oh but we already see how difficult this is to achieve we often feel like this world is a lost cause when we begin to journey thru solution making for long term problems that have long been engrained in the hearts and minds of many, this is same as taking our individual experiences and developments which err comparably too small next to worldwide issues, but that bc individuals make up the entire world, it’s essential to look both ways unless we are seeing the “ main tenet “ of building and maintaining divisive systems so that we do not admit to ourself and others that we are in fact short staffed , and do not have the energy and attention , let alone man power of trust , required for the inner circle life, that which can only reach by its means , and not extend beyond it bc it was never meant to be , thus it creates undesirable jobs, and then works lazily and too hard at maintaining it, for the sheer sake of cutting corners to life since the other wise , which attributes to common trust, requires effort , from all who are involved, the rush of feeling oneself as behind, the evolution has left us.! we only have the look of success , we talk big but deliver very little, we must cover and lie at all times, for the best way to use the system is thru cheering others, and the best mode of getting around is to do it at the cost of others, it is very seldom that makes way to reliable success that can be maintained with ease n then promoted the same in others , bc that would challenge the system own philosophy, that is the “ conquering after the division is set in place” which seems to work every time even though the pain and struggle change faces, u may be better versed at strategies, theories and social issues but still fall short thereby choose to do wrong bc u cannot otherwise maintain self alive that it’s hard not to imagine what could be its next new face, how would the new struggle be? would it heighten? to even greater proportion,? it already seems like it’s only getting worse , worldwide, there seems to be more insistence and pressure in place to cause further division among the people , and “work further to maintain its distance” instead of slowing down on one’s advances, to whom this may concern, and then make reassessments on the course of implication the course of action would do. we have the awareness now that allows us to perceive the systems role in our lives, more so than we did before , but that doesnor rule out the initial , whole picture at the door, before such manifestation took such shape, its in our dna, and in our soul , our hearts , and the cosmic mind space, which we can tap into at all times but do not relay it into simple language right away, but allow it to, help guide the way? only by letting ourself be saturated by its presence, embodying our inner truths , with the unification of our inner contradictions . and then applying this to our say to day habituations, some of which tend to aid in the division efforts of the systems , assuming perhaps that by playing along with the systemic advances we are doing met b for the greater good but what we are doing is contributing to its maintenance of a limbo, type reality , which is maintained at the cost of others, now of u would stand over there instead c and feel the pain, then u would revolt , bc then u would notice the wastefulness of such suffering , and sometimes this revolt ends up being at the cost of others well being, in conjunction with the illusion of safety at the cost of some,

which we assume for individual problems, often thinking that to get with reality is the only sure fire way but also work to rebel against any minor inconvenience we may come across, we may feel subconsciously, exhaustion, towards our lifestyle, without much thought bc we are , in our conveniences , have things slightly easier and better than others, only so that it self is manageable , and thereby giving us the illusion, they others are simply too lazy, or they simply lie, and their afflictions that get them to revolt has no merit to them bc we simply think they are not working hard enough whereas we do not know how to convey the true meaning of what hard work is , and whether if it’s working , because why constitutes work is with ease, it’s of what makes our dharma dreams come thru , and our work effort to be true, not be based and maintained on lies and delusions as well as greed, or worse, at the cost of others slavery, simply because other option is to not have a better alternative or a way out, for most times, the effort is often assumed to be counted, and if someone hasn’t noticed it , u become a bit more harder in ur own ethics, and this can be , ah so , we have a hard worker, so that means we can shift all our focus on those who need to be motivated, we may even pair these with the lazy ones and see if they can solve the issues among themselves , that which we can’t seem to get it right, all on their own accord and then make it seem like we do not notice , or that if we do, we will go on and use this information towards how we can maintain things and such, so we notice but act like we do not notice and then , take that which we notice much like free harvesting, while we treat these donors as have not effort to change or likelihood for second chances, and then, package and sell their efforts back to them in a very subtle way, that the condescension cannot be detected, and they may even think, see , ? i was right, u see , or how u may reunite with a particularly old idea, and then this likeness is so , akin to, ofc , familiarity that u mistake kit for good revelation, ofc it’s good, and ofc it’s revelation but it’s ur own, a past reveal, that which u now feel bond towards, overtime the efforts uncounted , can make people seem lazy, bc the effort is uncounted in the first place , that indivisible is empty, in terms of producing anything we ? bc the initial occurrences have not been refilled, one has it been compensated the prior in lack, bc much like the external division given by the system that reflects the inner split, we get the dem, by constantly of having been used by the systems, after some time has passed , what appears as lazy is actually a person exhausted,


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