it’s easy to come up with solutions

than follow them thru, when we think about ideas, we have great plans, everything is easy, we drive this notion based on by personal experience , as well as feeling centred that we form connection thru which we sort of feel a plan for others, but not always do we hit a target, bc we may leave out certain comedians, such as quality and condition of material needed to actualize smth, as well as expertise to put it together, all of which take time and energy as well as proper coordination and conduct that’s conducive to change c so that we make pivots along the way, un a safe and pre determine way, preparation helps us with such conditions, u take no more than ur own experience , of overcoming smth, but here, our personal issues do tend to give us arrogance , bc the pain is that much real, and during struggle we would do anything to eliminate pain, but once we achieve this at first we may feel relief followed by arrogance , of feeling like ah so , cos it was easy only bc u are done , and then u may look around, pattern detection may have us we begin to notice signs all around, and establish a connection based on by their relevance , but more so, from a subjective basis. we think they are just like us, it becomes harder to imagine diversity as smth that is incomprehensible or at the very least not conceivable at all times, since itself is foreign, we all have this initial step of a mental misdemeanour that assumes all comes easy bc our initial initiation to personal awakening is so impactful, as well as its near and dear to us, that we get arrogant , or rather assume about the blessings, versus work towards blessings consciously and with cautious application of self will, that means an equal measure of integrity, and willingness to learn, bc we are at all times on uncertain grounds, things change, thru ebbs and flows, we may not have noticed entirety of smth, we may assume, and not notice, so it’s essential to test out the nature of objectives versus assume, and a degree of , space, is necessary in self quest about achieving it. say u achieved a lessons and now have smth to offer but then i stumble and now that becomes the new path, when u stumble u don’t bring sunshine as if the fumble didn’t happen, i must get up and pick up ur things, and then maybe dust urself off, if there is a wound, u may need to tends to it , u may need to get her the ingredients if u didn’t lack among ur things , of such necessities , that itself may change the course of ur path, a brief detour, so here too , we may wish to keep humble, and so that we can offer the best potential wisdom, versus ridicule, bc we may be projecting self distaste to our former self before we overcome our own struggles instead, of loving it.

and we may even replicate the perfect soutien in our minds, and still fumble and stumble on our path bc the conditions muet totally match for their actualisation of the way we think about these objectives are cut n dry and only focus on oversimplified steps to their resolution, life doesn’t work that way, it has its own ebbs and flows its own rhythm goes wherever the wind blows , but this doesn’t mean our life is meaningless or aimless, it’s that there’s a greater phenomena that’s concomitant with the universal ebbs and flows, so being a bit more flexible in that which we know or think we know accompanies this type of humility, for we do not accept self defeat with especially willful ignorance towards objectives that are much bigger than our personal diction, bc none of us are perfection unless w are all perfection as one, they a harmonious process that coheres and rhymes and is along the benevolent lines for this represents our true human nature and would be the closest , to a solution, via series of steps to follow, but it’s hard to say, bc each person may find them self in a diverse ground rather then shine their true authenticity, for the diversity of the manufacturers is what causes this false sense of priority, u are called onto protect a grounds rather than be effective in the “purity “ of ur reasons, in part bc we are products of prior solutions that were made by others just like us in their in which such objrdirves were perceived and handled, and we may want to understand the origin of these occurrences as opposed to “water things down “ bc they may fit ur ideas of smth that i wish to be true versus it being true , and u being right bc it serves a higher purpose, versus u being right bc the ego , or the product of pride, including the pride of the group u may be part of, ground of which takes priority over the sanctity of ur true authenticity,, tends to get u to fall backwards, a sort of condition that may easily be called fat brain, full of junk in thought, and hardly any production of the vital good, that may be buried in the foods of such excess reasoning, that may simply need to be trimmed, so that the good stuff is more pronounced, and the excess fades overtime away, that’s the brains own way of changing its shape, complements to u, who makes these choices about urself and the world, it’s not just limited to self accomplishments, that’s one part of the region, of ur entirety of being, then ur getting vital soul food from ur interactions with people, and things , which completes ur entirety, in truth . and here we can already tell how difficult it is

to really get a grasp at our true self, for the more we seek and attach and hold on e more it flows, and like sands falling between ur fingers, but at the same time it pours. our reality and the universe is very much the same, we work with objrdirves , not work objrdirves we think we see for the world and the universe bc we do not have that kind of authority to make such commands especially not on our own, maybe this is why we end up being too harsh of others bc we think we are independent, we think everyone is a stand alone, they make their own life, that there is nothing else, absolutely nothing that control or influences or inspires them, propels them to some direction or other, why do these house exist, the steers were put by others, some men made the maps, others decided to make some other roadblocks, which detours the minds and the hearts of those who may then assume “adaptability “ to that which they are afforded. but in truth our unity is more than stating “” im just like u! that part is easy, flattering indeed, maybe annoying in a financial world , bc we depend on bread and work, to live, and so when our potential is stifled, we then do not get where we need to , in society, not bc it’s a skill issue, but bc there are other conditions that’s required to actualize objectives in this world. and the world offers simple solutions in return which disrespects the struggle and the main basis of the original argument , supposing the problem is that much worse , and we have no other avenue for its overcome. a solution also assumes that u have the objrdirves already at hand, and accessibility to these objrdirves with ease and efficacy, but this is not always the case bc people do indeed live quite diversely , even in the same city and streets , two people standing in the same bus stop may share extremely different realities, diffuse controls n imperil same people, same in that no two women may be same just bc they wee both women, and no two victim can have the same experience with same feelings, and priorities , one may forgive quickly, other may need differ ways in which they can process what happened all of which are the unsocial diversities that complete the reason why we have different results to similar or same problems when they are viewed only from simplistic stance , or deny those who are outside of those problems, of not having experienced it themselves hit may base their solutions on their limited resources. for insight.

to recognize our struggles comes with the time it takes for us to overcome them, then we are more humble towards others in their own processes, when this becomes alarming and a priority is when we refer to hierarchical forms, bc hierarchical forms assumes responsibility where there are problems associated to their level of coverage , as well as impact , no two objectives are enough to suffice to say they are alike bc , we can’t even recreate the past even though we may be triggered, and initially have invoked in us the fear from those times, but upon coming up to face these objrdirves we may notice that we have matured , the experience offers us insight as to how much advancement we have made, and what sort of effort was utilized bc this is what compelled our soliton making for others, but more so the preference should be with others, than for them, bc then we can learn a lot more about the process and the phenomena of such diversities that unfolds the moment we are recent or to perceive them as they are and not as we want to fit a mould or whatever, u may feel the gratitude for the experience that allow us to hone ur skills, to put them thru test, and to determine how the path matures, by observation and carful study into urself , we may not notice our progress or have special insight , necessary on the path of redoing such skills and make room for new, and continue to grow with ebbs and flows in accord with local and universal laws, which otherwise could not be achieved during sedentary states , assuming that just bc reciting lines u think u may know or by power of directing thought processes or control of the mind, to one’s desires, may also fall short bc they are predominantly mental, and are driven by cut n dry almost child like thought processes that oversimplifies complex matters thereby compensates by complicating simple ones, we may tell the difference by why we wish a particular thought observe, what purpose does this serve? what am i willing to achieve here, how would i like it if this was done to me ? is there a better way to determine the nature of smth without denigrating it its right to self express its own truth , often times , people blame others for their disposition, without noticing that not every path leading u there is the same, and learning our truths serve those with similar conditions but never the same, but they may offer or incite intuitive process of shaping ur own personal solution, which may allow us to utilise our own thought processes versus what’s majority, wise , accepted, and practiced, in a specific manner, bc there are many ways to get there than one, and such diversities are made available on all grounds not just one, such as those that are material, even in the system, the same system can treat two people in same situation differently , for that it must use the constantly developing

intuitive process of determining the nature of and thereby solution to smth, these maybe part of , ur this “intuitive process “ may easily be abused by subjective reason, for what invokes in a person about a past occurrence that may be relative , but not examined, and even assumed , as correct bc one may have utilized their preconceived notions based on by pattern recognition but at have failed to further delve into it bc of one’s assumed arrogance , due of their prime years , that one has already reached the summit, and does not have anything further to learn and build upon , thereby didn’t do the work of further examination into the process one is part of, which definitely includes one’s personal hardship, but here the hierarchical of the world offers us great complexity in that there is demand of its perfection, but often the errors are hidden or made excuse of versus immediate application of solution , and reimbursement, or resolution of which may offer reintegrating what was lost , so that whatever is structural may not fall apart, including the life of the person bc they become liability to the world when systems fails to protect them. and some things are easy, once we implement them, and have everything we need for their proper maintenance, which includes optimum energy, as well as things that allow for maintenance, we may further need to update our resources, both in things of material in nature, and those that are intrinsic , in form of personal experience , and careful examination which extracts wisdom, and then what’s new out there , either by ones inventions , of trials and errors , or from external , of others studies which we can aptly “trade” and benefit mutually from. which is hard to do due to hierarchical formations bc they often inconvenience others , rather than recognize its own portion of occurrence that is concomitant with equal part in responsibility that’s mutual to human race, thereby causing a strong displacement and further fragmentation among the members , where we cannot honour and connect with each other, at a authentic level, that can help make things easy among us, and collect ours selves so as to recognize , what sort of steps we can each take, versus continue to quarrel among us, on frivolous objectives bc we didn’t do the preliminary search into what the media and authority feeds us thereby relying on assumptions , or take no responsibility for our thoughts bc we see grown accustomed to copy and paste, : u hear in discourse often people speak like textbooks , citing resources, for things that are given by others, who know sod their correctness, we do not look at whether if anything is entirely factual or missing in parts, vital information, and fight to the death, if its truthfulness rather than , be willing and open , to learning from each other that each lesson brings based on by their personal initiation and experience, especially those who support system functioners just bc of the strong reliance of hierarchies when hierarchies dont even take responsibility on most commonest of social problems .


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